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@fluidframework/fluid-static Package

Provides a simple and powerful way to consume collaborative Fluid data.


Interface Modifiers Description
ContainerSchema Declares the Fluid objects that will be available in the Container.
IConnection Base interface for information for each connection made to the Fluid session.
IFluidContainer sealed Provides an entrypoint into the client side of collaborative Fluid data. Provides access to the data as well as status on the collaboration session.
IFluidContainerEvents sealed Events emitted from IFluidContainer.
IMember Base interface to be implemented to fetch each service's member.
IServiceAudience Base interface to be implemented to fetch each service's audience.
IServiceAudienceEvents Events that trigger when the roster of members in the Fluid session change.


TypeAlias Description
CompatibilityMode Valid compatibility modes that may be specified when creating a DOProviderContainerRuntimeFactory.
ContainerAttachProps Represents properties that can be attached to a container.
InitialObjects Extract the type of 'initialObjects' from the given ContainerSchema type.
MemberChangedListener Signature for IMember change events.
Myself An extended member object that includes currentConnection