@fluidframework/azure-service-utils Package

Packages > @fluidframework/azure-service-utils

A set of helper utilities for building backend APIs for use with Azure Fluid Relay .


Note that this library’s primary entry-point (generateToken(tenantId, key, scopes, documentId, user, lifetime, ver) ) is only intended to be run in a browser context. It is **not** Node.js-compatible.


Function Alerts Return Type Description
generateToken(tenantId, key, scopes, documentId, user, lifetime, ver) Legacy, Alpha string Generates a JSON Web Token (JWT) to authorize access to a Routerlicious-based Fluid service.

Function Details


Generates a JSON Web Token (JWT) to authorize access to a Routerlicious-based Fluid service.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/azure-service-utils/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


export declare function generateToken(tenantId: string, key: string, scopes: ScopeType[], documentId?: string, user?: IUser, lifetime?: number, ver?: string): string;


Note: this function uses a browser friendly auth library (jsrsasign ) and may only be used in client (browser) context. It is **not** Node.js-compatible.


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
tenantId string See tenantId
key string API key to authenticate user. Must be UTF-8-encoded.
scopes ScopeType[] See scopes
documentId optional string See documentId. If not specified, the token will not be associated with a document, and an empty string will be used.
user optional IUser User with whom generated tokens will be associated. If not specified, the token will not be associated with a user, and a randomly generated mock user will be used instead. See user
lifetime optional number Used to generate the expiration. Expiration = now + lifetime. Expressed in seconds. Default: 3600 (1 hour).
ver optional string See ver. Default: 1.0.


Return type: string