
Packages > @fluidframework/container-runtime > SubmitSummaryResult

Strict type representing result of a submitSummary attempt. The result consists of 4 possible stages, each with its own data. The data is cumulative, so each stage will contain the data from the previous stages. If the final “submitted” stage is not reached, the result may contain the error object.


  1. “base” - stopped before the summary tree was even generated, and the result only contains the base data

  2. “generate” - the summary tree was generated, and the result will contain that tree + stats

  3. “upload” - the summary was uploaded to storage, and the result contains the server-provided handle

  4. “submit” - the summarize op was submitted, and the result contains the op client sequence number.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/container-runtime/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


export type SubmitSummaryResult = IBaseSummarizeResult | IGenerateSummaryTreeResult | IUploadSummaryResult | ISubmitSummaryOpResult;