IConfigProviderBase Interface

Packages > @fluidframework/core-interfaces > IConfigProviderBase

Base interface for providing configurations to enable/disable/control features.


export interface IConfigProviderBase


Method Return Type Description
getRawConfig(name) ConfigTypes

For the specified config name this function gets the value.

This type is meant be easy to implement by Fluid Framework consumers so the returned valued needs minimal type coercion, and allows consumers to return values in a natural way from whatever source they retrieve them.

For instance a value of 1 maybe be returned as a string or a number. For array types a json string or an object are allowable.

It should return undefined if there is no value available for the config name.

Method Details


For the specified config name this function gets the value.

This type is meant be easy to implement by Fluid Framework consumers so the returned valued needs minimal type coercion, and allows consumers to return values in a natural way from whatever source they retrieve them.

For instance a value of 1 maybe be returned as a string or a number. For array types a json string or an object are allowable.

It should return undefined if there is no value available for the config name.


getRawConfig(name: string): ConfigTypes;


Parameter Type Description
name string The name of the config to get the value for.


Return type: ConfigTypes