Packages > @fluidframework/devtools

@fluidframework/devtools Package


Interface Alerts Description
ContainerDevtoolsProps Beta Properties for configuring Devtools for an individual IFluidContainer.
DevtoolsProps Beta Properties for configuring IDevtools.
IDevtools Beta Fluid Devtools. A single, global instance is used to generate and communicate stats associated with the general Fluid runtime (i.e., it is not associated with any single Framework entity).


Function Alerts Return Type Description
initializeDevtools(props) Beta IDevtools Initializes the Devtools singleton and returns a handle to it.

Function Details


Initializes the Devtools singleton and returns a handle to it.

This API is provided as a beta preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via @fluidframework/devtools/beta.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


export declare function initializeDevtools(props: DevtoolsProps): IDevtools;


Parameter Type Description
props DevtoolsProps


Return type: IDevtools

See Also
