TreeNode Class

Packages > @fluidframework/tree > TreeNode

A non-leaf SharedTree node. Includes objects, arrays, and maps.


/** @sealed */
export declare abstract class TreeNode implements WithType

Implements: WithType


Base type which all nodes implement.

This can be used as a type to indicate/document values which should be tree nodes. Runtime use of this class object (for example when used with instanceof or extending it), is not currently supported.

Instances of tree nodes must be created by opening an existing document, inserting values into the document, or by using the constructors and create functions of TreeNodeSchema produced by SchemaFactory .


Constructor Description
(constructor)(token) TreeNodes must extend schema classes created by SchemaFactory, and therefore this constructor should not be invoked directly by code outside this package.

Static Methods

Method Return Type Description
[Symbol.hasInstance](value) value is TreeNode Provides instanceof support for testing if a value is a TreeNode.
[Symbol.hasInstance](this, value) value is InstanceType<TSchema> Provides instanceof support for all schema classes with public constructors.


Property Alerts Modifiers Type Description
[typeNameSymbol] Deprecated readonly string Adds a type symbol for stronger typing.
[typeSchemaSymbol] readonly TreeNodeSchemaClass Adds a type symbol for stronger typing.

Constructor Details


TreeNodes must extend schema classes created by SchemaFactory, and therefore this constructor should not be invoked directly by code outside this package.


protected constructor(token: unknown);


Parameter Type Description
token unknown

Property Details


Adds a type symbol for stronger typing.

This API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

Use typeSchemaSymbol instead.


abstract get [typeNameSymbol](): string;

Type: string


Adds a type symbol for stronger typing.


abstract get [typeSchemaSymbol](): TreeNodeSchemaClass;

Type: TreeNodeSchemaClass

Method Details


Provides instanceof support for testing if a value is a TreeNode.


static [Symbol.hasInstance](value: unknown): value is TreeNode;


For more options, like including leaf values or narrowing to collections of schema, use is or schema from TreeNodeApi .


Parameter Type Description
value unknown


Return type: value is TreeNode


Provides instanceof support for all schema classes with public constructors.


static [Symbol.hasInstance]<TSchema extends abstract new (...args: any[]) => TreeNode>(this: TSchema, value: unknown): value is InstanceType<TSchema>;
Type Parameters
Parameter Constraint Description
TSchema abstract new (...args: any[]) => TreeNode


For more options, like including leaf values or narrowing to collections of schema, use is or schema from TreeNodeApi .


Parameter Type Description
this TSchema
value unknown


Return type: value is InstanceType<TSchema>