Packages > @fluidframework/tree > TreeView

TreeView Interface

An editable view of a (version control style) branch of a shared tree.

This view is always in one of two states: 1. In schema: the stored schema is compatible with the provided view schema. There is no error, and root can be used. 2. Out of schema: the stored schema is incompatible with the provided view schema. There is an error, and root cannot be used.


export interface TreeView<TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema> extends IDisposable

Extends: IDisposable

Type Parameters

Parameter Constraint Description
TSchema ImplicitFieldSchema


Property Modifiers Type Description
error optional, readonly SchemaIncompatible Description of the error state, if any. When this is undefined, the view schema and stored schema are compatible, and root can be used.
events readonly ISubscribable<TreeViewEvents> Events for the tree.
root TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>

The current root of the tree.

If in the out of schema state, accessing this will throw. To handle this case, check error before using.

To get notified about changes to this field (including to it being in an error state), use rootChanged() via"rootChanged", callback).


Method Return Type Description
upgradeSchema() void When there is an error and canUpgrade is true, this can be used to modify the stored schema to make it match the view schema. This will clear the error state, and allow access to root.

Property Details


Description of the error state, if any. When this is undefined, the view schema and stored schema are compatible, and root can be used.


readonly error?: SchemaIncompatible;

Type: SchemaIncompatible


Events for the tree.


readonly events: ISubscribable<TreeViewEvents>;

Type: ISubscribable <TreeViewEvents >


The current root of the tree.

If in the out of schema state, accessing this will throw. To handle this case, check error before using.

To get notified about changes to this field (including to it being in an error state), use rootChanged() via"rootChanged", callback).


get root(): TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>;
set root(newRoot: InsertableTreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>);

Type: TreeFieldFromImplicitField <TSchema>

Method Details


When there is an error and canUpgrade is true, this can be used to modify the stored schema to make it match the view schema. This will clear the error state, and allow access to root.


upgradeSchema(): void;


It is an error to call this when canUpgrade is false, and a no-op when not in an error state. When this changes the stored schema, any existing or future clients which were compatible with the old stored schema will get an error state when trying to schematize the document.