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@fluidframework/datastore Package


Interface Alerts Description
ISharedObjectRegistry Legacy


Class Alerts Description
FluidDataStoreRuntime Legacy Base data store class
FluidObjectHandle Legacy Handle for a shared FluidObject.


Enum Alerts Description
DataStoreMessageType Legacy


Function Alerts Return Type Description
mixinRequestHandler(requestHandler, Base) Legacy typeof FluidDataStoreRuntime Mixin class that adds request handler to FluidDataStoreRuntime Request handler is only called when data store can't resolve request, i.e. for custom requests.
mixinSummaryHandler(handler, Base) Legacy typeof FluidDataStoreRuntime Mixin class that adds await for DataObject to finish initialization before we proceed to summary.

Function Details


Mixin class that adds request handler to FluidDataStoreRuntime Request handler is only called when data store can't resolve request, i.e. for custom requests.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/datastore/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


mixinRequestHandler: (requestHandler: (request: IRequest, runtime: FluidDataStoreRuntime) => Promise<IResponse>, Base?: typeof FluidDataStoreRuntime) => typeof FluidDataStoreRuntime


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
requestHandler (request: IRequest, runtime: FluidDataStoreRuntime) => Promise<IResponse> request handler to mix in
Base optional typeof FluidDataStoreRuntime base class, inherits from FluidDataStoreRuntime


Return type: typeof FluidDataStoreRuntime


Mixin class that adds await for DataObject to finish initialization before we proceed to summary.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/datastore/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


mixinSummaryHandler: (handler: (runtime: FluidDataStoreRuntime) => Promise<{
path: string[];
content: string;
} | undefined>, Base?: typeof FluidDataStoreRuntime) => typeof FluidDataStoreRuntime


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
handler (runtime: FluidDataStoreRuntime) => Promise<{ path: string[]; content: string; } | undefined> handler that returns info about blob to be added to summary. Or undefined not to add anything to summary.
Base optional typeof FluidDataStoreRuntime base class, inherits from FluidDataStoreRuntime


Return type: typeof FluidDataStoreRuntime