Packages > @fluidframework/runtime-definitions

@fluidframework/runtime-definitions Package


Interface Description
IExperimentalIncrementalSummaryContext - Can be deleted/changed at any time Contains the necessary information to allow DDSes to do incremental summaries
IGarbageCollectionData Garbage collection data returned by nodes in a Container. Used for running GC in the Container.
IInboundSignalMessage Represents ISignalMessage with its type.
ISummaryStats Contains the aggregation data from a Tree/Subtree.
ISummaryTreeWithStats Represents the summary tree for a node along with the statistics for that tree. For example, for a given data store, it contains the data for data store along with a subtree for each of its DDS. Any component that implements IChannelContext, IFluidDataStoreChannel or extends SharedObject will be taking part of the summarization process.
ITelemetryContext Contains telemetry data relevant to summarization workflows. This object is expected to be modified directly by various summarize methods.