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@fluidframework/ai-collab Package

Experimental package for utilities that enable/simplify interaction with LLMs for apps based on SharedTree.

See for an overview of the package.


Interface Alerts Description
AiCollabErrorResponse Alpha An error response from the AI collaboration.
AiCollabOptions Alpha Options for the AI collaboration.
AiCollabSuccessResponse Alpha A successful response from the AI collaboration.
ApplyEditFailure Alpha An EventFlowDebugEvent marking the failure of applying an edit generated by the LLM to a SharedTree.
ApplyEditSuccess Alpha An EventFlowDebugEvent marking the successful application of an edit generated by the LLM to a SharedTree.
CoreEventLoopCompleted Alpha An EventFlowDebugEvent for signaling the end of the ai-collab's core event loop. There could be various reasons for the event loop to end, early exits and failures which should be captured in the status and failureReason fields. There will be exactly 1 of these events per ai-collab function execution.
CoreEventLoopStarted Alpha An EventFlowDebugEvent for signaling the start of the ai-collab's core event loop. Which makes various calls to the LLM to eventually apply edits to the users SharedTree which accomplish the user's provided goal. There will be exactly 1 of these events per ai-collab function execution.
DebugEvent Alpha Core Debug event type for the ai-collab
DifferenceChange Alpha Represents a change operation between two branches of a tree. Meaning that an attribute (a shared tree node) was identified as being changed from one value to another.
DifferenceCreate Alpha Represents a create operation between two branches of a tree. Meaning that an attribute (a shared tree node) was identified as being created.
DifferenceMove Alpha Represents a move operation between two branches of a tree. Meaning that an object (shared tree node) was identified as being moved from one index to another based on its unique id.
DifferenceRemove Alpha Represents a remove operation between two branches of a tree. Meaning that an attribute (a shared tree node) was identified as being deleted. When using object ids, removes are idenitified by an object with a given id no longer existing.
EventFlowDebugEvent Alpha A Debug event that marks the start or end of a single core logic flow, such as generated tree edits, planning prompt, etc.
FinalReviewCompleted Alpha An EventFlowDebugEvent marking the end of the flow for prompting an LLM to complete a final review of its edits and determine whether the user's goal was accomplished.
FinalReviewStarted Alpha An EventFlowDebugEvent marking the initiation of the flow for prompting an LLM to complete a final review of its edits and determine whether the user's goal was accomplished.
GenerateTreeEditCompleted Alpha An EventFlowDebugEvent marking the completion of the flow for prompting an LLM to generate an LlmTreeEdit to the users Shared Tree based on the users initial ask. It is expected that the LLM will generate multiple of these events when it must generate multiple tree edits to satisfy the user request
GenerateTreeEditStarted Alpha An EventFlowDebugEvent marking the initiation of the flow for prompting an LLM to generate an LlmTreeEdit to the users Shared Tree based on the users initial ask. It is expected that the LLM will generate multiple of these events when it must generate multiple tree edits to satisfy the user request
LlmApiCallDebugEvent Alpha An DebugEvent for an API call directly to a LLM.
OpenAiClientOptions Alpha OpenAI client options for the AiCollabOptions interface.
Options Alpha Options for tree diffing.
PlanningPromptCompleted Alpha An EventFlowDebugEvent marking the completion of the flow for prompting an LLM to generate a plan for accomplishing the user's goal. There will be exactly 1 of these events per ai-collab function execution.
PlanningPromptStarted Alpha An EventFlowDebugEvent marking the initiation of the flow for prompting an LLM to generate a plan for accomplishing the user's goal. There will be exactly 1 of these events per ai-collab function execution.
TokenLimits Alpha Maximum limits for the total tokens that can be used by an llm
TokenUsage Alpha Total usage of tokens by an LLM.


Class Alerts Description
SharedTreeBranchManager Alpha Manages determining the differences between two branches of a SharedTree represented as an actual tree node or a plain javascript object and applies said differences to the original SharedTree branch.


TypeAlias Alerts Description
DebugEventLogHandler Alpha A callback function that can be used to handle debug events that occur during the AI collaboration process.
Difference Alpha Union for all possible difference types.
EventFlowDebugName Alpha The type for possible values for the eventFlowName field in an EventFlowDebugEvent.
LlmTreeEdit Alpha An edit generated by an LLM that can be applied to a given SharedTree.
ObjectPath Alpha Represents a path through a tree of objects. number values represent array indices whereas string values represent object keys.


Function Alerts Return Type Description
aiCollab(options) Alpha Promise<AiCollabSuccessResponse | AiCollabErrorResponse> Calls an LLM to modify the provided SharedTree in a series of real time edits based on the provided users prompt input.
createMergableDiffSeries(diffs) Alpha Difference[] Creates a set of mergeable diffs from a series of diffs produced by sharedTreeDiff(obj, newObj, options, _stack) that AREN'T using the object ID strategy. These diffs don't need any modifications to be applied to the old object.
createMergableIdDiffSeries(oldObject, diffs, idAttributeName) Alpha Difference[] Creates a set of mergeable diffs from a series of diffs produced by sharedTreeDiff(obj, newObj, options, _stack) that are using the object ID strategy. These diffs don't need any modifications to be applied to the old object.
sharedTreeDiff(obj, newObj, options, _stack) Alpha Difference[] Compares two objects and returns an array of differences between them.
sharedTreeTraverse(jsonObject, path) Alpha T | undefined Traverses the provided ObjectPath on the provided Shared Tree or JSON object and returns the value at the end of the path.


Variable Alerts Modifiers Type Description
EventFlowDebugNames Alpha readonly { readonly CORE_EVENT_LOOP: "CORE_EVENT_LOOP"; readonly GENERATE_PLANNING_PROMPT: "GENERATE_PLANNING_PROMPT"; readonly GENERATE_AND_APPLY_TREE_EDIT: "GENERATE_AND_APPLY_TREE_EDIT"; readonly FINAL_REVIEW: "FINAL_REVIEW"; } The possible values for the eventFlowName field in an EventFlowDebugEvent.

Function Details


Calls an LLM to modify the provided SharedTree in a series of real time edits based on the provided users prompt input.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via @fluidframework/ai-collab/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function aiCollab(options: AiCollabOptions): Promise<AiCollabSuccessResponse | AiCollabErrorResponse>;


Known Limitiations: - Root level array nodes are not supported - Nested arrays are not supported - Primitive nodes are not supported, e.g. 'string', 'number', 'boolean' - Your application's Shared Tree schema must have no more than 4 levels of nesting - Optional nodes are not supported in the Shared Tree schema - Union types are not supported in the Shared Tree schema - See README for more details.


import {
type TreeView
} from "@fluidframework/tree";
const sf = new SchemaFactory("todo-app");
class TodoTask extends sf.object("TodoTask", {
title: sf.string,
description: sf.string,
}) {}
class TodoAppState extends sf.object("TodoAppState", {
tasks: sf.array(TodoTask),
}) {}
// Initialize your SharedTree
const treeView: TreeView = tree.viewWith(new TreeViewConfiguration({ schema: TodoAppState }));
treeView.initialize({ tasks: [] });
// Collaborate with AI in realtime in just one function call.
const response = await aiCollab({
openAI: {
client: new OpenAI({
modelName: "gpt-4o",
treeNode: view.root,
prompt: {
"You are an helpful assistant managing a todo list for a user.",
userAsk: "Create a set of new todos to plan a vacation to Cancun.",
planningStep: true,
finalReviewStep: true,


Parameter Type Description
options AiCollabOptions


Return type: Promise<AiCollabSuccessResponse | AiCollabErrorResponse>


Creates a set of mergeable diffs from a series of diffs produced by sharedTreeDiff(obj, newObj, options, _stack) that AREN'T using the object ID strategy. These diffs don't need any modifications to be applied to the old object.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via @fluidframework/ai-collab/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function createMergableDiffSeries(diffs: Difference[]): Difference[];


Parameter Type Description
diffs Difference[]


Return type: Difference[]


Creates a set of mergeable diffs from a series of diffs produced by sharedTreeDiff(obj, newObj, options, _stack) that are using the object ID strategy. These diffs don't need any modifications to be applied to the old object.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via @fluidframework/ai-collab/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function createMergableIdDiffSeries(oldObject: unknown, diffs: Difference[], idAttributeName: string | number): Difference[];


Parameter Type Description
oldObject unknown
diffs Difference[]
idAttributeName string | number


Return type: Difference[]


Compares two objects and returns an array of differences between them.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via @fluidframework/ai-collab/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function sharedTreeDiff(obj: Record<string, unknown> | unknown[], newObj: Record<string, unknown> | unknown[], options?: Options, _stack?: (Record<string, unknown> | unknown[])[]): Difference[];


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
obj Record<string, unknown> | unknown[]
newObj Record<string, unknown> | unknown[]
options optional Options
_stack optional (Record<string, unknown> | unknown[])[]


Return type: Difference[]


Traverses the provided ObjectPath on the provided Shared Tree or JSON object and returns the value at the end of the path.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via @fluidframework/ai-collab/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function sharedTreeTraverse<T = unknown>(jsonObject: TreeMapNode | TreeArrayNode | Record<string, unknown>, path: ObjectPath): T | undefined;
Type Parameters
Parameter Default Description
T unknown


Parameter Type Description
jsonObject TreeMapNode | TreeArrayNode | Record<string, unknown>
path ObjectPath


Return type: T | undefined

Variable Details


The possible values for the eventFlowName field in an EventFlowDebugEvent.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via @fluidframework/ai-collab/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


EventFlowDebugNames: {