AiCollabOptions Interface
Options for the AI collaboration.
To use, import via @fluidframework/ai-collab/alpha
For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.
export interface AiCollabOptions
Property | Alerts | Modifiers | Type | Description |
debugEventLogHandler | Alpha |
optional , readonly |
DebugEventLogHandler | An optional handler for debug events that occur during the AI collaboration. |
finalReviewStep | Alpha |
optional , readonly |
boolean | When set to true, the LLM will be asked to complete a final review of the changes and determine if any additional changes need to be made. When set to false, the LLM will not be asked to complete a final review. |
limiters | Alpha |
optional , readonly |
{ readonly abortController?: AbortController; readonly maxSequentialErrors?: number; readonly maxModelCalls?: number; readonly tokenLimits?: TokenLimits; } | Limiters are various optional ways to limit this library's usage of the LLM. |
openAI | Alpha |
readonly |
OpenAiClientOptions | The OpenAI client options to use for the LLM based AI collaboration. |
planningStep | Alpha |
optional , readonly |
boolean | When set to true, the LLM will be asked to first produce a plan, based on the user's ask, before generating any changes to your applications data. This can help the LLM produce better results. When set to false, the LLM will not be asked to produce a plan. |
prompt | Alpha |
readonly |
{ readonly systemRoleContext: string; readonly userAsk: string; } | The prompt context to give the LLM in order to collaborate with your applications data. |
treeNode | Alpha |
readonly |
TreeNode | The specific tree node you want the AI to collaborate on. Pass the root node of your tree if you intend for the AI to work on the entire tree. |
validator | Alpha |
optional , readonly |
(newContent: TreeNode) => void | An optional validator function that can be used to validate the new content produced by the LLM. |
Property Details
An optional handler for debug events that occur during the AI collaboration.
For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.
readonly debugEventLogHandler?: DebugEventLogHandler;
Type: DebugEventLogHandler
When set to true, the LLM will be asked to complete a final review of the changes and determine if any additional changes need to be made. When set to false, the LLM will not be asked to complete a final review.
For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.
readonly finalReviewStep?: boolean;
Type: boolean
Limiters are various optional ways to limit this library's usage of the LLM.
For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.
readonly limiters?: {
readonly abortController?: AbortController;
readonly maxSequentialErrors?: number;
readonly maxModelCalls?: number;
readonly tokenLimits?: TokenLimits;
Type: { readonly abortController?: AbortController; readonly maxSequentialErrors?: number; readonly maxModelCalls?: number; readonly tokenLimits?: TokenLimits; }
The OpenAI client options to use for the LLM based AI collaboration.
For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.
readonly openAI: OpenAiClientOptions;
Type: OpenAiClientOptions
When set to true, the LLM will be asked to first produce a plan, based on the user's ask, before generating any changes to your applications data. This can help the LLM produce better results. When set to false, the LLM will not be asked to produce a plan.
For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.
readonly planningStep?: boolean;
Type: boolean
The prompt context to give the LLM in order to collaborate with your applications data.
For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.
readonly prompt: {
readonly systemRoleContext: string;
readonly userAsk: string;
Type: { readonly systemRoleContext: string; readonly userAsk: string; }
The specific tree node you want the AI to collaborate on. Pass the root node of your tree if you intend for the AI to work on the entire tree.
For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.
readonly treeNode: TreeNode;
Type: TreeNode
- Optional root nodes are not supported - Primitive root nodes are not supported
An optional validator function that can be used to validate the new content produced by the LLM.
For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.
readonly validator?: (newContent: TreeNode) => void;
Type: (newContent: TreeNode) => void