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@fluidframework/container-definitions Package

This library contains the interfaces and types concerning the Loader and loading the Container.


Interface Alerts Modifiers Description
ContainerWarning Legacy Represents warnings raised on container.
IAudience Represents all clients connected to the op stream, both read-only and read/write.
IAudienceEvents Interface describing Audience events
IAudienceOwner Legacy Manages the state and the members for IAudience
IBatchMessage Legacy Payload type for IContainerContext.submitBatchFn()
ICodeDetailsLoader Legacy Fluid code loader resolves a code module matching the document schema, i.e. code details, such as a package name and package version range.
IConnectionDetails Legacy Contract representing the result of a newly established connection to the server for syncing deltas.
IContainer Legacy The Host's view of a Container and its connection to storage
IContainerContext Legacy IContainerContext is fundamentally just the set of things that an IRuntimeFactory (and IRuntime) will consume from the loader layer. It gets passed into the instantiateRuntime(context, existing) call.
IContainerEvents Legacy Events emitted by the IContainer "upwards" to the Loader and Host.
IContainerLoadMode Legacy
IDeltaManager Legacy sealed Manages the transmission of ops between the runtime and storage.
IDeltaManagerEvents Legacy sealed Events emitted by IDeltaManager.
IDeltaQueue Legacy sealed Queue of ops to be sent to or processed from storage
IDeltaQueueEvents Legacy sealed Events emitted by IDeltaQueue.
IDeltaSender Legacy sealed Contract supporting delivery of outbound messages to the server
IFluidBrowserPackage Legacy A Fluid package for specification for browser environments
IFluidBrowserPackageEnvironment Legacy A specific Fluid package environment for browsers
IFluidCodeDetails Legacy Data structure used to describe the code to load on the Fluid document
IFluidCodeDetailsComparer Legacy Provides capability to compare Fluid code details.
IFluidCodeDetailsConfig Legacy Package manager configuration. Provides a key value mapping of config values
IFluidModule Legacy
IFluidModuleWithDetails Legacy Encapsulates a module entry point with corresponding code details.
IFluidPackage Legacy Fluid-specific properties expected on a package to be loaded by the code loader. While compatible with the npm package format it is not necessary that that package is an npm package:
IFluidPackageEnvironment Legacy Specifies an environment on Fluid property of a IFluidPackage.
IGetPendingLocalStateProps Legacy Defines list of properties expected for getPendingLocalState
IHostLoader Legacy The Host's view of the Loader, used for loading Containers
ILoader Legacy The Runtime's view of the Loader, used for loading Containers
IProvideFluidCodeDetailsComparer Legacy
IProvideLoader Legacy
IProvideRuntimeFactory Legacy
IRuntime Legacy The IRuntime represents an instantiation of a code package within a Container. Primarily held by the ContainerContext to be able to interact with the running instance of the Container.
IRuntimeFactory Legacy

Exported module definition

Provides the entry point for the ContainerContext to load the proper IRuntime to start up the running instance of the Container.

ISelf Return type of getSelf(). Please see remarks for getSelf() to learn more details on promises.
ISnapshotTreeWithBlobContents Legacy This is used when we rehydrate a container from the snapshot. Here we put the blob contents in separate property: blobsContents.


Enum Alerts Description
AttachState The attachment state of some Fluid data (e.g. a container or data store), denoting whether it is uploaded to the service. The transition from detached to attached state is a one-way transition.
LoaderHeader Legacy Accepted header keys for requests coming to the Loader


TypeAlias Alerts Description
ConnectionState Type defining the different states of connectivity a Container can be in.
ContainerErrorTypes Legacy Different error types the ClientSession may report out to the Host.
IContainerPolicies Legacy Policies to have various behaviors during container create and load.
ICriticalContainerError Represents errors raised on container.
ILoaderOptions Legacy Options to configure various behaviors of the ILoader.
ReadOnlyInfo Legacy


Function Alerts Return Type Description
isFluidBrowserPackage(maybePkg) Legacy maybePkg is Readonly<IFluidBrowserPackage> Determines if any object is an IFluidBrowserPackage
isFluidPackage(pkg) Legacy pkg is Readonly<IFluidPackage> Check if the package.json defines a Fluid package


Variable Alerts Modifiers Type Description
ContainerErrorTypes Legacy readonly { readonly clientSessionExpiredError: "clientSessionExpiredError"; readonly genericError: "genericError"; readonly throttlingError: "throttlingError"; readonly dataCorruptionError: "dataCorruptionError"; readonly dataProcessingError: "dataProcessingError"; readonly usageError: "usageError"; } Different error types the ClientSession may report out to the Host.
IFluidCodeDetailsComparer Legacy readonly keyof IProvideFluidCodeDetailsComparer
IRuntimeFactory Legacy readonly keyof IProvideRuntimeFactory


Namespace Description
ConnectionState Namespace for the different connection states a container can be in. PLEASE NOTE: The sequence of the numerical values does no correspond to the typical connection state progression.

Function Details


Determines if any object is an IFluidBrowserPackage

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/container-definitions/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


isFluidBrowserPackage: (maybePkg: unknown) => maybePkg is Readonly<IFluidBrowserPackage>


Parameter Type Description
maybePkg unknown The object to check for compatibility with IFluidBrowserPackage


Return type: maybePkg is Readonly<IFluidBrowserPackage>


Check if the package.json defines a Fluid package

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/container-definitions/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


isFluidPackage: (pkg: unknown) => pkg is Readonly<IFluidPackage>


Parameter Type Description
pkg unknown the package json data to check if it is a Fluid package.


Return type: pkg is Readonly<IFluidPackage>

Variable Details


Different error types the ClientSession may report out to the Host.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/container-definitions/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


ContainerErrorTypes: {
readonly clientSessionExpiredError: "clientSessionExpiredError";
readonly genericError: "genericError";
readonly throttlingError: "throttlingError";
readonly dataCorruptionError: "dataCorruptionError";
readonly dataProcessingError: "dataProcessingError";
readonly usageError: "usageError";

Type: { readonly clientSessionExpiredError: "clientSessionExpiredError"; readonly genericError: "genericError"; readonly throttlingError: "throttlingError"; readonly dataCorruptionError: "dataCorruptionError"; readonly dataProcessingError: "dataProcessingError"; readonly usageError: "usageError"; }


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/container-definitions/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


IFluidCodeDetailsComparer: keyof IProvideFluidCodeDetailsComparer

Type: keyof IProvideFluidCodeDetailsComparer


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/container-definitions/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


IRuntimeFactory: keyof IProvideRuntimeFactory

Type: keyof IProvideRuntimeFactory