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IDeltaQueue Interface

Queue of ops to be sent to or processed from storage

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/container-definitions/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


/** @sealed */
export interface IDeltaQueue<T> extends IEventProvider<IDeltaQueueEvents<T>>, IDisposable

Extends: IEventProvider<IDeltaQueueEvents<T>>, IDisposable

Type Parameters

Parameter Description


Property Alerts Type Description
idle Alpha boolean Flag indicating whether or not the queue is idle. I.e. there are no remaining messages to processes.
length Alpha number The number of messages remaining in the queue
paused Alpha boolean Flag indicating whether or not the queue was paused


Method Alerts Return Type Description
pause() Alpha Promise<void> Pauses processing on the queue.
peek() Alpha T | undefined Peeks at the next message in the queue
resume() Alpha void Resumes processing on the queue
toArray() Alpha T[] Returns all the items in the queue as an array. Does not remove them from the queue.
waitTillProcessingDone() Alpha Promise<{ count: number; duration: number; }> returns number of ops processed and time it took to process these ops. Zeros if queue did not process anything (had no messages, was paused or had hit an error before)

Property Details


Flag indicating whether or not the queue is idle. I.e. there are no remaining messages to processes.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


idle: boolean;

Type: boolean


The number of messages remaining in the queue

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


length: number;

Type: number


Flag indicating whether or not the queue was paused

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


paused: boolean;

Type: boolean

Method Details


Pauses processing on the queue.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


pause(): Promise<void>;


A promise which resolves when processing has been paused.

Return type: Promise<void>


Peeks at the next message in the queue

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


peek(): T | undefined;


Return type: T | undefined


Resumes processing on the queue

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


resume(): void;


Returns all the items in the queue as an array. Does not remove them from the queue.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


toArray(): T[];


Return type: T[]


returns number of ops processed and time it took to process these ops. Zeros if queue did not process anything (had no messages, was paused or had hit an error before)

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


waitTillProcessingDone(): Promise<{
count: number;
duration: number;


Return type: Promise<{ count: number; duration: number; }>