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IOdspResolvedUrl Interface

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/odsp-driver-definitions/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export interface IOdspResolvedUrl extends IResolvedUrl, IOdspUrlParts

Extends: IResolvedUrl, IOdspUrlParts


Property Alerts Modifiers Type Description
appName Alpha optional string Name of the application that owns the URL. This hint is used by link handling logic which determines which app to redirect to when user navigates directly to the link. Can be ommited in case it is not necessary for the link handling logic.
codeHint Alpha optional { containerPackageName?: string; }
context Alpha optional string Context for given resolved URL. The context of a resolved URL is a string that contains the resolved URL and the data store path of the resolved URL.
dataStorePath Alpha optional string
endpoints Alpha { snapshotStorageUrl: string; attachmentPOSTStorageUrl: string; attachmentGETStorageUrl: string; deltaStorageUrl: string; }
fileName Alpha string
fileVersion Alpha string | undefined
hashedDocumentId Alpha string
isClpCompliantApp Alpha optional boolean
odspResolvedUrl Alpha true
pendingRename Alpha optional string Used to track when a file was created with a temporary name. In that case this value will be the desired name, which the file is eventually renamed too.
shareLinkInfo Alpha optional ShareLinkInfoType Sharing link data created for the ODSP item. Contains information about either sharing link created while creating a new file or a redeemable share link created when loading an existing file
summarizer Alpha boolean
tokens Alpha {}
type Alpha "fluid"
url Alpha string

Property Details


Name of the application that owns the URL. This hint is used by link handling logic which determines which app to redirect to when user navigates directly to the link. Can be ommited in case it is not necessary for the link handling logic.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


appName?: string;

Type: string


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


codeHint?: {
containerPackageName?: string;

Type: { containerPackageName?: string; }


Context for given resolved URL. The context of a resolved URL is a string that contains the resolved URL and the data store path of the resolved URL.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


context?: string;

Type: string


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


dataStorePath?: string;

Type: string


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


endpoints: {
snapshotStorageUrl: string;
attachmentPOSTStorageUrl: string;
attachmentGETStorageUrl: string;
deltaStorageUrl: string;

Type: { snapshotStorageUrl: string; attachmentPOSTStorageUrl: string; attachmentGETStorageUrl: string; deltaStorageUrl: string; }


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


fileName: string;

Type: string


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


fileVersion: string | undefined;

Type: string | undefined


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


hashedDocumentId: string;

Type: string


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


isClpCompliantApp?: boolean;

Type: boolean


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


odspResolvedUrl: true;

Type: true


Used to track when a file was created with a temporary name. In that case this value will be the desired name, which the file is eventually renamed too.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


pendingRename?: string;

Type: string


Sharing link data created for the ODSP item. Contains information about either sharing link created while creating a new file or a redeemable share link created when loading an existing file

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


shareLinkInfo?: ShareLinkInfoType;

Type: ShareLinkInfoType


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


summarizer: boolean;

Type: boolean


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


tokens: {};

Type: {}


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


type: "fluid";

Type: "fluid"


This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


url: string;

Type: string