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OdspDriverUrlResolverForShareLink Class

Resolver to resolve urls like the ones created by createOdspUrl which is driver inner url format and the ones which have things like driveId, siteId, itemId etc encoded in nav param. This resolver also handles share links and try to generate one for the use by the app.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/odsp-driver/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.

export declare class OdspDriverUrlResolverForShareLink implements IUrlResolver

Implements: IUrlResolver


Constructor Alerts Description
(constructor)(shareLinkFetcherProps, logger, appName, getContext, containerPackageInfo) Alpha Creates url resolver instance

Constructor Details


Creates url resolver instance

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


constructor(shareLinkFetcherProps?: ShareLinkFetcherProps | undefined, logger?: ITelemetryBaseLogger, appName?: string | undefined, getContext?: ((resolvedUrl: IOdspResolvedUrl, dataStorePath: string) => Promise<string | undefined>) | undefined, containerPackageInfo?: IContainerPackageInfo | undefined);


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
shareLinkFetcherProps optional ShareLinkFetcherProps | undefined properties used when fetching share link. Can be set as 'undefined' for cases where share link is not needed. Currently, only getAbsoluteUrl() method requires share link.
logger optional ITelemetryBaseLogger logger object that is used as telemetry sink
appName optional string | undefined application name hint that is encoded with url produced by getAbsoluteUrl() method. This hint is used by link handling logic which determines which app to redirect to when user navigates directly to the link.
getContext optional ((resolvedUrl: IOdspResolvedUrl, dataStorePath: string) => Promise<string | undefined>) | undefined callback function which is used to get context for given resolved url. If context is returned then it will be embedded into url returned by getAbsoluteUrl() method.
containerPackageInfo optional IContainerPackageInfo | undefined container package information which will be used to extract the container package name.