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Version: v1

FluidCacheConfig Interface


export interface FluidCacheConfig


Property Modifiers Type Description
logger optional ITelemetryBaseLogger A logger that can be used to get insight into cache performance and errors
maxCacheItemAge number A value in milliseconds that determines the maximum age of a cache entry to return. If an entry exists in the cache, but is older than this value, the cached value will not be returned.
partitionKey string | null A string to specify what partition of the cache you wish to use (e.g. a user id). Null can be used to explicity indicate no partitioning, and has been chosen vs undefined so that it is clear this is an intentional choice by the caller. A null value should only be used when the host can ensure that the cache is not able to be shared with multiple users.

Property Details


A logger that can be used to get insight into cache performance and errors


logger?: ITelemetryBaseLogger;

Type: ITelemetryBaseLogger


A value in milliseconds that determines the maximum age of a cache entry to return. If an entry exists in the cache, but is older than this value, the cached value will not be returned.


maxCacheItemAge: number;

Type: number


A string to specify what partition of the cache you wish to use (e.g. a user id). Null can be used to explicity indicate no partitioning, and has been chosen vs undefined so that it is clear this is an intentional choice by the caller. A null value should only be used when the host can ensure that the cache is not able to be shared with multiple users.


partitionKey: string | null;

Type: string | null