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Version: v1

HostStoragePolicy Interface


export interface HostStoragePolicy


Property Alerts Modifiers Type Description
cacheCreateNewSummary optional boolean Policy controlling if we will cache initial summary when we create a document
concurrentOpsBatches optional number
concurrentSnapshotFetch optional boolean If set to true, tells driver to concurrently fetch snapshot from storage (SPO) and cache Container loads from whatever comes first in such case. Snapshot fetched from storage is pushed to cache in either case. If set to false, driver will first consult with cache. Only on cache miss (cache does not return snapshot), driver will fetch snapshot from storage (and push it to cache), otherwise it will load from cache and not reach out to storage. Passing true results in faster loads and keeping cache more current, but it increases bandwidth consumption.
enableRedeemFallback Deprecated optional boolean
enableShareLinkWithCreate optional boolean Enable creation of sharing link along with the creation of file by setting this value to true. If the host provides a 'createLinkType' parameter in the request URL to the container.attach() method, we will request for send the request to ODSP with the same (if the flag is enabled) so that a sharing can be created with the creation of file to save number for round trips made to ODSP.
fetchBinarySnapshotFormat Deprecated optional boolean
isolateSocketCache optional boolean If set to true, socket cache are per OdspDocumentService instead of shared across all instances
opsBatchSize optional number
opsCaching optional IOpsCachingPolicy Policy controlling ops caching (leveraging IPersistedCache passed to driver factory)
sessionOptions optional ICollabSessionOptions Policy controlling how collaboration session is established
snapshotOptions optional ISnapshotOptions

Property Details


Policy controlling if we will cache initial summary when we create a document


cacheCreateNewSummary?: boolean;

Type: boolean



concurrentOpsBatches?: number;

Type: number


If set to true, tells driver to concurrently fetch snapshot from storage (SPO) and cache Container loads from whatever comes first in such case. Snapshot fetched from storage is pushed to cache in either case. If set to false, driver will first consult with cache. Only on cache miss (cache does not return snapshot), driver will fetch snapshot from storage (and push it to cache), otherwise it will load from cache and not reach out to storage. Passing true results in faster loads and keeping cache more current, but it increases bandwidth consumption.


concurrentSnapshotFetch?: boolean;

Type: boolean


This API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • This field will be always set to true after removal. True to have the sharing link redeem fallback in case the Trees Latest/Redeem 1RT call fails with redeem error. During fallback it will first redeem the sharing link and then make the Trees latest call.


enableRedeemFallback?: boolean;

Type: boolean


Enable creation of sharing link along with the creation of file by setting this value to true. If the host provides a 'createLinkType' parameter in the request URL to the container.attach() method, we will request for send the request to ODSP with the same (if the flag is enabled) so that a sharing can be created with the creation of file to save number for round trips made to ODSP.


enableShareLinkWithCreate?: boolean;

Type: boolean


This API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
  • This will be replaced with feature gate snapshotFormatFetchType. Policy controlling if we want to fetch binary format snapshot.


fetchBinarySnapshotFormat?: boolean;

Type: boolean


If set to true, socket cache are per OdspDocumentService instead of shared across all instances


isolateSocketCache?: boolean;

Type: boolean



opsBatchSize?: number;

Type: number


Policy controlling ops caching (leveraging IPersistedCache passed to driver factory)


opsCaching?: IOpsCachingPolicy;

Type: IOpsCachingPolicy


Policy controlling how collaboration session is established


sessionOptions?: ICollabSessionOptions;

Type: ICollabSessionOptions



snapshotOptions?: ISnapshotOptions;

Type: ISnapshotOptions