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Version: v1

ReplayController Class

Replay controller object It controls where we start (snapshot, local file, no snapshots) As well as dispatch of ops


export declare abstract class ReplayController extends ReadDocumentStorageServiceBase

Extends: ReadDocumentStorageServiceBase


Method Return Type Description
fetchTo(currentOp) number | undefined Returns last op number to fetch from current op Note: this API is called while replay() is in progress - next batch of ops is downloaded in parallel
getStartingOpSequence() Promise<number> Returns sequence number to start processing ops Should be zero if not using snapshot, and snapshot seq# otherwise
initStorage(documentService) Promise<boolean> Initialize reply controller
isDoneFetch(currentOp, lastTimeStamp) boolean Returns true if no more ops should be processed (or downloaded for future processing). It's called at end of each batch with latest op timestamp. Also it's called when there are no more ops available (lastTimeStamp === undefined). If false is returned and there are no more ops, request for more ops is made every 2 seconds. Note: this API is called while replay() is in progress - next batch of ops is downloaded in parallel
replay(emitter, fetchedOps) Promise<void> Replay batch of ops NOTE: new batch of ops is fetched (fetchTo() & isDoneFetch() APIs are called) while this call is in flights

Method Details


Returns last op number to fetch from current op Note: this API is called while replay() is in progress - next batch of ops is downloaded in parallel


abstract fetchTo(currentOp: number): number | undefined;


Parameter Type Description
currentOp number current op


Return type: number | undefined


Returns sequence number to start processing ops Should be zero if not using snapshot, and snapshot seq# otherwise


abstract getStartingOpSequence(): Promise<number>;


Return type: Promise<number>


Initialize reply controller


abstract initStorage(documentService: IDocumentService): Promise<boolean>;


Parameter Type Description
documentService IDocumentService the real document service


  • Boolean, indicating if controller should be used. If false is returned, caller should fallback to original storage.

Return type: Promise<boolean>


Returns true if no more ops should be processed (or downloaded for future processing). It's called at end of each batch with latest op timestamp. Also it's called when there are no more ops available (lastTimeStamp === undefined). If false is returned and there are no more ops, request for more ops is made every 2 seconds. Note: this API is called while replay() is in progress - next batch of ops is downloaded in parallel


abstract isDoneFetch(currentOp: number, lastTimeStamp?: number): boolean;


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
currentOp number current op
lastTimeStamp optional number timestamp of last op (if more ops are available). Undefined otherwise.


Return type: boolean


Replay batch of ops NOTE: new batch of ops is fetched (fetchTo() & isDoneFetch() APIs are called) while this call is in flights


abstract replay(emitter: (op: api.ISequencedDocumentMessage[]) => void, fetchedOps: api.ISequencedDocumentMessage[]): Promise<void>;


Parameter Type Description
emitter (op: api.ISequencedDocumentMessage[]) => void callback to emit ops
fetchedOps api.ISequencedDocumentMessage[] ops to process


Return type: Promise<void>