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Version: v1

IFluidErrorBase Interface

All normalized errors flowing through the Fluid Framework adhere to this readonly interface. It features errorType and errorInstanceId on top of Error's members as readonly, and a getter/setter for telemetry props to be included when the error is logged.


export interface IFluidErrorBase extends Error

Extends: Error


Property Modifiers Type Description
addTelemetryProperties (props: ITelemetryProperties) => void Add telemetry properties to this error which will be logged with the error
errorInstanceId string A Guid identifying this error instance. Useful in telemetry for deduping multiple logging events arising from the same error, or correlating an error with an inner error that caused it, in case of error wrapping.
errorType string Classification of what type of error this is, used programmatically by consumers to interpret the error
message string Error's message property, made readonly. Be specific, but also take care when including variable data to consider suitability for aggregation in telemetry Also avoid including any data that jeopardizes the user's privacy. Add a tagged telemetry property instead.
name string Error's name property, made readonly
stack optional string Error's stack property, made readonly


Method Return Type Description
getTelemetryProperties() ITelemetryProperties Get the telemetry properties stashed on this error for logging

Property Details


Add telemetry properties to this error which will be logged with the error


addTelemetryProperties: (props: ITelemetryProperties) => void;

Type: (props: ITelemetryProperties) => void


A Guid identifying this error instance. Useful in telemetry for deduping multiple logging events arising from the same error, or correlating an error with an inner error that caused it, in case of error wrapping.


readonly errorInstanceId: string;

Type: string


Classification of what type of error this is, used programmatically by consumers to interpret the error


readonly errorType: string;

Type: string


Error's message property, made readonly. Be specific, but also take care when including variable data to consider suitability for aggregation in telemetry Also avoid including any data that jeopardizes the user's privacy. Add a tagged telemetry property instead.


readonly message: string;

Type: string


Error's name property, made readonly


readonly name: string;

Type: string


Error's stack property, made readonly


readonly stack?: string;

Type: string

Method Details


Get the telemetry properties stashed on this error for logging


getTelemetryProperties(): ITelemetryProperties;


Return type: ITelemetryProperties