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Version: v1

SampledTelemetryHelper Class

Helper class that executes a specified code block and writes an @fluidframework/common-definitions#ITelemetryPerformanceEvent to a specified logger every time a specified number of executions is reached (or when the class is disposed). The duration field in the telemetry event is the duration of the latest execution (sample) of the specified function. See the documentation of the includeAggregateMetrics parameter for additional details that can be included.


export declare class SampledTelemetryHelper implements IDisposable

Implements: IDisposable


Constructor Description
(constructor)(eventBase, logger, sampleThreshold, includeAggregateMetrics, perBucketProperties) Constructs a new instance of the SampledTelemetryHelper class


Property Type Description
disposed boolean


Method Return Type Description
dispose(error) void
measure(codeToMeasure, bucket) T

Constructor Details


Constructs a new instance of the SampledTelemetryHelper class


constructor(eventBase: ITelemetryGenericEvent, logger: ITelemetryLogger, sampleThreshold: number, includeAggregateMetrics?: boolean, perBucketProperties?: Map<string, ITelemetryProperties>);


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
eventBase ITelemetryGenericEvent Custom properties to include in the telemetry performance event when it is written.
logger ITelemetryLogger The logger to use to write the telemetry performance event.
sampleThreshold number Telemetry performance events will be generated every time we hit this many executions of the code block.
includeAggregateMetrics optional boolean If set to true, the telemetry performance event will include aggregated metrics (total duration, min duration, max duration) for all the executions in between generated events.
perBucketProperties optional Map<string, ITelemetryProperties> Map of strings that represent different buckets (which can be specified when calling the 'measure' method), to properties which should be added to the telemetry event for that bucket. If a bucket being measured does not have an entry in this map, no additional properties will be added to its telemetry events. The following keys are reserved for use by this class: "duration", "count", "totalDuration", "minDuration", "maxDuration". If any of them is specified as a key in one of the ITelemetryProperties objects in this map, that key-value pair will be ignored.

Property Details



disposed: boolean;

Type: boolean

Method Details



dispose(error?: Error | undefined): void;


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
error optional Error | undefined



measure<T>(codeToMeasure: () => T, bucket?: string): T;
Type Parameters
Parameter Description


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
codeToMeasure () => T The code to be executed and measured.
bucket optional string A key to track executions of the code block separately. Each different value of this parameter has a separate set of executions and metrics tracked by the class. If no such distinction needs to be made, do not provide a value.


Whatever the passed-in code block returns.

Return type: T