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Version: v1

SharedTreeDiagnosticEvent Enum

An event emitted by a SharedTree for diagnostic purposes. See ISharedTreeEvents for event argument information.


export declare enum SharedTreeDiagnosticEvent


Flag Description
AppliedEdit A valid edit (local or remote) has been applied. Passed the EditId of the applied edit. Note that this may be called multiple times, due to concurrent edits causing reordering, and/or due to not caching the output of every edit.
CatchUpBlobUploaded A single catch up blob has been uploaded.
DroppedInvalidEdit An invalid edit (local or remote) has been dropped. Passed the EditId of the dropped edit. Note that this may be called multiple times, due to concurrent edits causing reordering, and/or due to not caching the output of every edit.
DroppedMalformedEdit A malformed edit (local or remote) has been dropped. Passed the EditId of the dropped edit. Note that this may be called multiple times, due to concurrent edits causing reordering, and/or due to not caching the output of every edit.
EditChunkUploaded An edit chunk blob has been uploaded. This includes catchup blobs.
UnexpectedHistoryChunk A history chunk has been received that does not have a corresponding edit chunk on the edit log.
WriteVersionChanged The current write format changed, either because an old summary was loaded or an update op was successfully processed. This event is emitted with the new version as an argument.


A valid edit (local or remote) has been applied. Passed the EditId of the applied edit. Note that this may be called multiple times, due to concurrent edits causing reordering, and/or due to not caching the output of every edit.


AppliedEdit = "appliedEdit"


A single catch up blob has been uploaded.


CatchUpBlobUploaded = "uploadedCatchUpBlob"


An invalid edit (local or remote) has been dropped. Passed the EditId of the dropped edit. Note that this may be called multiple times, due to concurrent edits causing reordering, and/or due to not caching the output of every edit.


DroppedInvalidEdit = "droppedInvalidEdit"


A malformed edit (local or remote) has been dropped. Passed the EditId of the dropped edit. Note that this may be called multiple times, due to concurrent edits causing reordering, and/or due to not caching the output of every edit.


DroppedMalformedEdit = "droppedMalformedEdit"


An edit chunk blob has been uploaded. This includes catchup blobs.


EditChunkUploaded = "uploadedEditChunk"


A history chunk has been received that does not have a corresponding edit chunk on the edit log.


UnexpectedHistoryChunk = "unexpectedHistoryChunk"


The current write format changed, either because an old summary was loaded or an update op was successfully processed. This event is emitted with the new version as an argument.


WriteVersionChanged = "writeVersionChanged"