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Version: v1

MergeHealthStats Interface

Statistics about the health of collaborative edit merging when using SharedTree. All of those numbers constitute a tally since the last heartbeat was logged or cleared.


export interface MergeHealthStats


Property Type Description
badPlaceCount number

Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a bad place. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.

If this number is greater than the sum of: * deletedAncestorBadPlaceCount * deletedSiblingBadPlaceCount

then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately.

badRangeCount number

Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a bad range. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.

If this number is greater than the sum of: * deletedAncestorBadRangeCount * deletedSiblingBadRangeCount * updatedRangeInvertedCount * updatedRangeHasPlacesInDifferentTraitsCount * updatedRangeBadPlaceCount * updatedRangeNeverValidPlaceCount

then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately.

constraintViolationCount number

Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constraint violation. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.

If this number is greater than the sum of: * rangeConstraintViolationCount * lengthConstraintViolationCount * parentConstraintViolationCount * labelConstraintViolationCount

then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately.

deletedAncestorBadPlaceCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a place whose ancestors had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badPlaceCount.
deletedAncestorBadRangeCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose ancestors had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.
deletedSiblingBadPlaceCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a place whose sibling (but not its parent) had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badPlaceCount.
deletedSiblingBadRangeCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose delimiting sibling(s) (but not its parent) had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.
editCount number Number of sequenced edits applied (failed or not).
failedEditCount number

Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply. Such cases are also counted under editCount.

If this number is greater than the sum of: * badPlaceCount * badRangeCount * constraintViolationCount * idAlreadyInUseCount * unknownIdCount * malformedEditCount

then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately.

idAlreadyInUseCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to an ID collision. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.
labelConstraintViolationCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range being under a different label. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount.
lengthConstraintViolationCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range having a different length. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount.
malformedEditCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to an edit becoming malformed. This should theoretically never happen. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.
maxAttemptCount number The highest number previous attempts on a sequenced edit.
parentConstraintViolationCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range being under a different parent. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount.
pathLengths number[] The counts of occurrences for a given path length. pathLengths[1] === 2 means two occurrences of length one.
rangeConstraintViolationCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range becoming invalid or malformed. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount.
unknownIdCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to an ID being unknown. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.
updatedRangeBadPlaceCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were resolvable but bad. This should not happen because place resolution is expected to either return a valid place or fail. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.
updatedRangeHasPlacesInDifferentTraitsCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were resolvable but in different traits. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.
updatedRangeInvertedCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were resolvable but inverted (i.e., end before start). Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.
updatedRangeNeverValidPlaceCount number Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were not resolvable due to not being valid for any state. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.

Property Details


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a bad place. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.

If this number is greater than the sum of: * deletedAncestorBadPlaceCount * deletedSiblingBadPlaceCount

then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately.


badPlaceCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a bad range. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.

If this number is greater than the sum of: * deletedAncestorBadRangeCount * deletedSiblingBadRangeCount * updatedRangeInvertedCount * updatedRangeHasPlacesInDifferentTraitsCount * updatedRangeBadPlaceCount * updatedRangeNeverValidPlaceCount

then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately.


badRangeCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constraint violation. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.

If this number is greater than the sum of: * rangeConstraintViolationCount * lengthConstraintViolationCount * parentConstraintViolationCount * labelConstraintViolationCount

then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately.


constraintViolationCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a place whose ancestors had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badPlaceCount.


deletedAncestorBadPlaceCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose ancestors had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.


deletedAncestorBadRangeCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a place whose sibling (but not its parent) had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badPlaceCount.


deletedSiblingBadPlaceCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose delimiting sibling(s) (but not its parent) had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.


deletedSiblingBadRangeCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits applied (failed or not).


editCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply. Such cases are also counted under editCount.

If this number is greater than the sum of: * badPlaceCount * badRangeCount * constraintViolationCount * idAlreadyInUseCount * unknownIdCount * malformedEditCount

then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately.


failedEditCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to an ID collision. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.


idAlreadyInUseCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range being under a different label. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount.


labelConstraintViolationCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range having a different length. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount.


lengthConstraintViolationCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to an edit becoming malformed. This should theoretically never happen. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.


malformedEditCount: number;

Type: number


The highest number previous attempts on a sequenced edit.


maxAttemptCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range being under a different parent. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount.


parentConstraintViolationCount: number;

Type: number


The counts of occurrences for a given path length. pathLengths[1] === 2 means two occurrences of length one.


pathLengths: number[];

Type: number[]


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range becoming invalid or malformed. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount.


rangeConstraintViolationCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to an ID being unknown. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.


unknownIdCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were resolvable but bad. This should not happen because place resolution is expected to either return a valid place or fail. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.


updatedRangeBadPlaceCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were resolvable but in different traits. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.


updatedRangeHasPlacesInDifferentTraitsCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were resolvable but inverted (i.e., end before start). Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.


updatedRangeInvertedCount: number;

Type: number


Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were not resolvable due to not being valid for any state. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.


updatedRangeNeverValidPlaceCount: number;

Type: number