MergeHealthStats Interface
Statistics about the health of collaborative edit merging when using SharedTree. All of those numbers constitute a tally since the last heartbeat was logged or cleared.
export interface MergeHealthStats
Property | Type | Description |
badPlaceCount | number |
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a bad place. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount. If this number is greater than the sum of: * deletedAncestorBadPlaceCount * deletedSiblingBadPlaceCount then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately. |
badRangeCount | number |
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a bad range. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount. If this number is greater than the sum of: * deletedAncestorBadRangeCount * deletedSiblingBadRangeCount * updatedRangeInvertedCount * updatedRangeHasPlacesInDifferentTraitsCount * updatedRangeBadPlaceCount * updatedRangeNeverValidPlaceCount then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately. |
constraintViolationCount | number |
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constraint violation. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount. If this number is greater than the sum of: * rangeConstraintViolationCount * lengthConstraintViolationCount * parentConstraintViolationCount * labelConstraintViolationCount then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately. |
deletedAncestorBadPlaceCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a place whose ancestors had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badPlaceCount. |
deletedAncestorBadRangeCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose ancestors had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount. |
deletedSiblingBadPlaceCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a place whose sibling (but not its parent) had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badPlaceCount. |
deletedSiblingBadRangeCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose delimiting sibling(s) (but not its parent) had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount. |
editCount | number | Number of sequenced edits applied (failed or not). |
failedEditCount | number |
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply. Such cases are also counted under editCount. If this number is greater than the sum of: * badPlaceCount * badRangeCount * constraintViolationCount * idAlreadyInUseCount * unknownIdCount * malformedEditCount then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately. |
idAlreadyInUseCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to an ID collision. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount. |
labelConstraintViolationCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range being under a different label. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount. |
lengthConstraintViolationCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range having a different length. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount. |
malformedEditCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to an edit becoming malformed. This should theoretically never happen. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount. |
maxAttemptCount | number | The highest number previous attempts on a sequenced edit. |
parentConstraintViolationCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range being under a different parent. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount. |
pathLengths | number[] | The counts of occurrences for a given path length. pathLengths[1] === 2 means two occurrences of length one. |
rangeConstraintViolationCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range becoming invalid or malformed. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount. |
unknownIdCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to an ID being unknown. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount. |
updatedRangeBadPlaceCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were resolvable but bad. This should not happen because place resolution is expected to either return a valid place or fail. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount. |
updatedRangeHasPlacesInDifferentTraitsCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were resolvable but in different traits. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount. |
updatedRangeInvertedCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were resolvable but inverted (i.e., end before start). Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount. |
updatedRangeNeverValidPlaceCount | number | Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were not resolvable due to not being valid for any state. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount. |
Property Details
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a bad place. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.
If this number is greater than the sum of: * deletedAncestorBadPlaceCount * deletedSiblingBadPlaceCount
then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately.
badPlaceCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a bad range. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.
If this number is greater than the sum of: * deletedAncestorBadRangeCount * deletedSiblingBadRangeCount * updatedRangeInvertedCount * updatedRangeHasPlacesInDifferentTraitsCount * updatedRangeBadPlaceCount * updatedRangeNeverValidPlaceCount
then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately.
badRangeCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constraint violation. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.
If this number is greater than the sum of: * rangeConstraintViolationCount * lengthConstraintViolationCount * parentConstraintViolationCount * labelConstraintViolationCount
then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately.
constraintViolationCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a place whose ancestors had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badPlaceCount.
deletedAncestorBadPlaceCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose ancestors had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.
deletedAncestorBadRangeCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a place whose sibling (but not its parent) had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badPlaceCount.
deletedSiblingBadPlaceCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose delimiting sibling(s) (but not its parent) had been concurrently deleted. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.
deletedSiblingBadRangeCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits applied (failed or not).
editCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply. Such cases are also counted under editCount.
If this number is greater than the sum of: * badPlaceCount * badRangeCount * constraintViolationCount * idAlreadyInUseCount * unknownIdCount * malformedEditCount
then some failure scenarios are not being tracked adequately.
failedEditCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to an ID collision. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.
idAlreadyInUseCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range being under a different label. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount.
labelConstraintViolationCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range having a different length. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount.
lengthConstraintViolationCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to an edit becoming malformed. This should theoretically never happen. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.
malformedEditCount: number;
Type: number
The highest number previous attempts on a sequenced edit.
maxAttemptCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range being under a different parent. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount.
parentConstraintViolationCount: number;
Type: number
The counts of occurrences for a given path length. pathLengths[1] === 2
means two occurrences of length one.
pathLengths: number[];
Type: number[]
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a constrained range becoming invalid or malformed. Such cases are also counted under constraintViolationCount.
rangeConstraintViolationCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to an ID being unknown. Such cases are also counted under failedEditCount.
unknownIdCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were resolvable but bad. This should not happen because place resolution is expected to either return a valid place or fail. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.
updatedRangeBadPlaceCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were resolvable but in different traits. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.
updatedRangeHasPlacesInDifferentTraitsCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were resolvable but inverted (i.e., end before start). Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.
updatedRangeInvertedCount: number;
Type: number
Number of sequenced edits that failed to apply due to a range whose places were not resolvable due to not being valid for any state. Such cases are also counted under badRangeCount.
updatedRangeNeverValidPlaceCount: number;
Type: number