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Version: v1

SharedTree Class

A [distributed tree](../


export declare class SharedTree extends SharedObject<ISharedTreeEvents> implements NodeIdContext

Extends: SharedObject<ISharedTreeEvents

Implements: NodeIdContext


Constructor Description
(constructor)(runtime, id, args) Create a new SharedTree.
(constructor)(runtime, id, args) Constructs a new instance of the SharedTree class

Static Methods

Method Return Type Description
create(runtime, id) SharedTree Create a new SharedTree. It will contain the default value (see initialTree).
getFactory(args) SharedTreeFactory Get a factory for SharedTree to register with the data store.
getFactory(args) SharedTreeFactory


Property Type Description
attributionId AttributionId The UUID used for attribution of nodes created by this SharedTree. All shared trees with a write format of 0.1.1 or greater have a unique attribution ID which may be configured in the constructor. All other shared trees (i.e. those with a write format of 0.0.2) use the nil UUID as their attribution ID.
currentView RevisionView
edits OrderedEditSet<InternalizedChange>
logger ITelemetryLogger
logViewer LogViewer Viewer for trees defined by editLog. This allows access to views of the tree at different revisions (various points in time).


Method Return Type Description
applyEdit(changes) Edit<InternalizedChange> Applies a set of changes to this tree. The result will be reflected in SharedTree.currentView. This method does not allow for snapshot isolation, as the changes are always applied to the most recent revision. If it is desireable to read from and apply changes to a fixed view that does not change when remote changes arrive, Checkout should be used instead.
applyEdit(changes) Edit<InternalizedChange>
applyStashedOp(op) StashedLocalOpMetadata "Pending local state" refers to ops submitted to the runtime that have not yet been acked. When closing a container, hosts have the option to stash this pending local state somewhere to be reapplied later (to avoid data loss). If a host then loads a container using that stashed state, this function is called for each stashed op, and is expected to: 1. Update this DDS to reflect that state locally. 2. Return any localOpMetadata that would have been associated with this op.
attributeNodeId(id) AttributionId Returns the attribution ID associated with the SharedTree that generated the given node ID. This is generally only useful for clients with a write format of 0.1.1 or greater since older clients cannot be given an attribution ID and will always use the default attributionId of the tree.
convertToNodeId(id) NodeId Given a stable ID, return the corresponding NodeId or throws if the supplied stable ID was never generated with this tree, either as a UUID corresponding to a NodeId or as an override passed to generateNodeId. If a stable ID is returned, this does not imply that there is a node with id in the current revision of the tree, only that id was at some point generated by an instance of this SharedTree.
convertToStableNodeId(id) StableNodeId Given a NodeId, returns the corresponding stable ID or throws if the supplied node ID was not generated with this tree (NodeIds may not be used across SharedTree instances, see generateNodeId for more). The returned value will be a UUID, unless the creation of id used an override string (see generateNodeId for more). The result is safe to persist and re-use across SharedTree instances, unlike NodeId.
generateNodeId(override) NodeId Generates a node identifier. The returned IDs may be used as the identifier of a node in the SharedTree. NodeIds are *always* unique and stable within the scope of the tree and session that generated them. They are *not* unique within a Fluid container, and *cannot* be compared across instances of a SharedTree. They are *not* stable across sessions/lifetimes of a SharedTree, and *cannot* be persisted (e.g. stored in payloads, uploaded in blobs, etc.). If stable persistence is needed, NodeIdConverter.convertToStableNodeId may be used to return a corresponding UUID that is globally unique and stable.
getRuntime() IFluidDataStoreRuntime
getWriteFormat() WriteFormat The write format version currently used by this SharedTree. This is always initialized to the write format passed to the tree's constructor, but it may automatically upgrade over time (e.g. when connected to another SharedTree with a higher write format, or when loading a summary with a higher write format).
loadCore(storage) Promise<void>
mergeEditsFrom(other, edits, stableIdRemapper) EditId[] Merges edits from other into this SharedTree.
onDisconnect() void
processCore(message, local) void
registerCore() void
reSubmitCore(op, localOpMetadata) void
revert(editId) EditId | undefined Reverts a previous edit by applying a new edit containing the inverse of the original edit's changes.
summarizeCore(serializer) ISummaryTreeWithStats Gets a form of the object that can be serialized.
tryConvertToNodeId(id) NodeId | undefined Given a stable ID, return the corresponding NodeId or return undefined if the supplied stable ID was never generated with this tree, either as a UUID corresponding to a NodeId or as an override passed to generateNodeId. If a stable ID is returned, this does not imply that there is a node with id in the current revision of the tree, only that id was at some point generated by an instance of this SharedTree.
tryConvertToStableNodeId(id) StableNodeId | undefined Given a NodeId, attempt to return the corresponding stable ID. The returned value will be a UUID, unless the creation of id used an override string (see generateNodeId for more). The returned stable ID is undefined if id was never created with this SharedTree. If a stable ID is returned, this does not imply that there is a node with id in the current revision of the tree, only that id was at some point generated by some instance of this tree.

Constructor Details


Create a new SharedTree.


constructor(runtime: IFluidDataStoreRuntime, id: string, ...args: SharedTreeArgs<WriteFormat.v0_0_2>);


Parameter Type Description
runtime IFluidDataStoreRuntime The runtime the SharedTree will be associated with
id string Unique ID for the SharedTree
args SharedTreeArgs<WriteFormat.v0_0_2>


Constructs a new instance of the SharedTree class


constructor(runtime: IFluidDataStoreRuntime, id: string, ...args: SharedTreeArgs<WriteFormat.v0_1_1>);


Parameter Type Description
runtime IFluidDataStoreRuntime
id string
args SharedTreeArgs<WriteFormat.v0_1_1>

Property Details


The UUID used for attribution of nodes created by this SharedTree. All shared trees with a write format of 0.1.1 or greater have a unique attribution ID which may be configured in the constructor. All other shared trees (i.e. those with a write format of 0.0.2) use the nil UUID as their attribution ID.


get attributionId(): AttributionId;

Type: AttributionId



get currentView(): RevisionView;

Type: RevisionView



get edits(): OrderedEditSet<InternalizedChange>;

Type: OrderedEditSet<InternalizedChange>



protected readonly logger: ITelemetryLogger;

Type: ITelemetryLogger


Viewer for trees defined by editLog. This allows access to views of the tree at different revisions (various points in time).


get logViewer(): LogViewer;

Type: LogViewer

Method Details


Applies a set of changes to this tree. The result will be reflected in SharedTree.currentView. This method does not allow for snapshot isolation, as the changes are always applied to the most recent revision. If it is desireable to read from and apply changes to a fixed view that does not change when remote changes arrive, Checkout should be used instead.


applyEdit(...changes: Change[]): Edit<InternalizedChange>;


Parameter Type Description
changes Change[]


Return type: Edit<InternalizedChange>



applyEdit(changes: Change[]): Edit<InternalizedChange>;


Parameter Type Description
changes Change[]


Return type: Edit<InternalizedChange>


"Pending local state" refers to ops submitted to the runtime that have not yet been acked. When closing a container, hosts have the option to stash this pending local state somewhere to be reapplied later (to avoid data loss). If a host then loads a container using that stashed state, this function is called for each stashed op, and is expected to: 1. Update this DDS to reflect that state locally. 2. Return any localOpMetadata that would have been associated with this op.


protected applyStashedOp(op: unknown): StashedLocalOpMetadata;


Parameter Type Description
op unknown


Return type: StashedLocalOpMetadata


Returns the attribution ID associated with the SharedTree that generated the given node ID. This is generally only useful for clients with a write format of 0.1.1 or greater since older clients cannot be given an attribution ID and will always use the default attributionId of the tree.


attributeNodeId(id: NodeId): AttributionId;


Parameter Type Description
id NodeId


Return type: AttributionId


Given a stable ID, return the corresponding NodeId or throws if the supplied stable ID was never generated with this tree, either as a UUID corresponding to a NodeId or as an override passed to generateNodeId. If a stable ID is returned, this does not imply that there is a node with id in the current revision of the tree, only that id was at some point generated by an instance of this SharedTree.


convertToNodeId(id: StableNodeId): NodeId;


Parameter Type Description
id StableNodeId


Return type: NodeId


Given a NodeId, returns the corresponding stable ID or throws if the supplied node ID was not generated with this tree (NodeIds may not be used across SharedTree instances, see generateNodeId for more). The returned value will be a UUID, unless the creation of id used an override string (see generateNodeId for more). The result is safe to persist and re-use across SharedTree instances, unlike NodeId.


convertToStableNodeId(id: NodeId): StableNodeId;


Parameter Type Description
id NodeId


Return type: StableNodeId


Create a new SharedTree. It will contain the default value (see initialTree).


static create(runtime: IFluidDataStoreRuntime, id?: string): SharedTree;


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
runtime IFluidDataStoreRuntime
id optional string


Return type: SharedTree


Generates a node identifier. The returned IDs may be used as the identifier of a node in the SharedTree. NodeIds are *always* unique and stable within the scope of the tree and session that generated them. They are *not* unique within a Fluid container, and *cannot* be compared across instances of a SharedTree. They are *not* stable across sessions/lifetimes of a SharedTree, and *cannot* be persisted (e.g. stored in payloads, uploaded in blobs, etc.). If stable persistence is needed, NodeIdConverter.convertToStableNodeId may be used to return a corresponding UUID that is globally unique and stable.


generateNodeId(override?: string): NodeId;


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
override optional string if supplied, calls to convertToStableNodeId using the returned node ID will return the override instead of the UUID. Calls to generateNodeId with the same override always return the same ID. Performance note: passing an override string incurs a storage cost that is significantly higher that a node ID without one, and should be avoided if possible.


Return type: NodeId


Get a factory for SharedTree to register with the data store.


static getFactory(...args: SharedTreeArgs<WriteFormat.v0_0_2>): SharedTreeFactory;


Parameter Type Description
args SharedTreeArgs<WriteFormat.v0_0_2>


A factory that creates SharedTrees and loads them from storage.

Return type: SharedTreeFactory



static getFactory(...args: SharedTreeArgs<WriteFormat.v0_1_1>): SharedTreeFactory;


Parameter Type Description
args SharedTreeArgs<WriteFormat.v0_1_1>


Return type: SharedTreeFactory



getRuntime(): IFluidDataStoreRuntime;


Return type: IFluidDataStoreRuntime


The write format version currently used by this SharedTree. This is always initialized to the write format passed to the tree's constructor, but it may automatically upgrade over time (e.g. when connected to another SharedTree with a higher write format, or when loading a summary with a higher write format).


getWriteFormat(): WriteFormat;


Return type: WriteFormat



protected loadCore(storage: IChannelStorageService): Promise<void>;


Parameter Type Description
storage IChannelStorageService


Return type: Promise<void>


Merges edits from other into this SharedTree.


mergeEditsFrom(other: SharedTree, edits: Iterable<Edit<InternalizedChange>>, stableIdRemapper?: (id: StableNodeId) => StableNodeId): EditId[];


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
other SharedTree Tree containing the edits that should be applied to this one.
edits Iterable<Edit<InternalizedChange>> Iterable of edits from other to apply.
stableIdRemapper optional (id: StableNodeId) => StableNodeId

Optional remapper to translate stable identities from other into stable identities on this tree. Any references that other contains to a stable id foo will be replaced with references to the id stableIdRemapper(foo).

Payloads on the edits are left intact.


a list containing EditIds for all applied edits.

Return type: EditId[]



protected onDisconnect(): void;



protected processCore(message: unknown, local: boolean): void;


Parameter Type Description
message unknown
local boolean



protected registerCore(): void;



protected reSubmitCore(op: unknown, localOpMetadata?: StashedLocalOpMetadata): void;


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
op unknown
localOpMetadata optional StashedLocalOpMetadata


Reverts a previous edit by applying a new edit containing the inverse of the original edit's changes.


revert(editId: EditId): EditId | undefined;


Parameter Type Description
editId EditId the edit to revert


the id of the new edit, or undefined if the original edit could not be inverted given the current tree state.

Return type: EditId | undefined


Gets a form of the object that can be serialized.


summarizeCore(serializer: IFluidSerializer): ISummaryTreeWithStats;


Parameter Type Description
serializer IFluidSerializer


A tree representing the snapshot of the shared object.

Return type: ISummaryTreeWithStats


Given a stable ID, return the corresponding NodeId or return undefined if the supplied stable ID was never generated with this tree, either as a UUID corresponding to a NodeId or as an override passed to generateNodeId. If a stable ID is returned, this does not imply that there is a node with id in the current revision of the tree, only that id was at some point generated by an instance of this SharedTree.


tryConvertToNodeId(id: StableNodeId): NodeId | undefined;


Parameter Type Description
id StableNodeId


Return type: NodeId | undefined


Given a NodeId, attempt to return the corresponding stable ID. The returned value will be a UUID, unless the creation of id used an override string (see generateNodeId for more). The returned stable ID is undefined if id was never created with this SharedTree. If a stable ID is returned, this does not imply that there is a node with id in the current revision of the tree, only that id was at some point generated by some instance of this tree.


tryConvertToStableNodeId(id: NodeId): StableNodeId | undefined;


Parameter Type Description
id NodeId


Return type: StableNodeId | undefined