Packages > @fluidframework/azure-client

@fluidframework/azure-client Package

A simple and powerful way to consume collaborative Fluid data with the Azure Fluid Relay.


Interface Description
AzureClientProps Props for initializing a new AzureClient instance
AzureConnectionConfig Parameters for establishing a connection with the Azure Fluid Relay.
AzureContainerServices AzureContainerServices is returned by the AzureClient alongside a FluidContainer. It holds the functionality specifically tied to the Azure Fluid Relay, and how the data stored in the FluidContainer is persisted in the backend and consumed by users. Any functionality regarding how the data is handled within the FluidContainer itself, i.e. which data objects or DDSes to use, will not be included here but rather on the FluidContainer class itself.
AzureContainerVersion Container version metadata.
AzureGetVersionsOptions Options for "Get Container Versions" API.
AzureLocalConnectionConfig Parameters for establishing a local connection with a local instance of the Azure Fluid Relay.
AzureMember Since Azure provides user names for all of its members, we extend the @fluidframework/protocol-definitions#IMember interface to include this service-specific value. It will be returned for all audience members connected to Azure.
AzureRemoteConnectionConfig Parameters for establishing a remote connection with the Azure Fluid Relay.
AzureUser Since Azure provides user names for all of its members, we extend the IUser interface to include this service-specific value. *


Class Alerts Description
AzureAudience Azure-specific ServiceAudience implementation.
AzureClient AzureClient provides the ability to have a Fluid object backed by the Azure Fluid Relay or, when running with local tenantId, have it be backed by a local Azure Fluid Relay instance.
AzureFunctionTokenProvider DEPRECATED Token Provider implementation for connecting to an Azure Function endpoint for Azure Fluid Relay token resolution.


TypeAlias Description
AzureConnectionConfigType The type of connection. - "local" for local connections to a Fluid relay instance running on the localhost - "remote" for client connections to the Azure Fluid Relay service
IAzureAudience Audience object for Azure Fluid Relay containers