
Packages > @fluidframework/container-runtime > SummarizerStopReason

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via @fluidframework/container-runtime/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


export type SummarizerStopReason = 
/** Summarizer client failed to summarize in all attempts. */
/** Parent client reported that it is no longer connected. */
 | "parentNotConnected"
 * Parent client reported that it is no longer elected the summarizer.
 * This is the normal flow; a disconnect will always trigger the parent
 * client to no longer be elected as responsible for summaries. Then it
 * tries to stop its spawned summarizer client.
 | "notElectedParent"
 * We are not already running the summarizer and we are not the current elected client id.
 | "notElectedClient"
/** Summarizer client was disconnected */
 | "summarizerClientDisconnected"
/** running summarizer threw an exception */
 | "summarizerException"
 * The previous summary state on the summarizer is not the most recently acked summary. this also happens when the
 * first submitSummary attempt fails for any reason and there's a 2nd summary attempt without an ack
 | "latestSummaryStateStale";