@fluidframework/datastore-definitions Package

Packages > @fluidframework/datastore-definitions

This library defines the interfaces required to implement and/or communicate with a data store.


Interface Alerts Modifiers Description
IChannel Legacy, Alpha
IChannelAttributes Legacy, Alpha Represents the attributes of a channel/DDS.
IChannelFactory Legacy, Alpha Definitions of a channel factory.
IChannelServices Legacy, Alpha Storage services to read the objects at a given path using the given delta connection.
IChannelStorageService Legacy, Alpha Storage services to read the objects at a given path.
IDeltaConnection Legacy, Alpha Interface to represent a connection to a delta notification stream.
IDeltaHandler Legacy, Alpha Handler provided by shared data structure to process requests from the runtime.
IFluidDataStoreRuntime Legacy, Alpha sealed Represents the runtime for the data store. Contains helper functions/state of the data store.
IFluidDataStoreRuntimeEvents Legacy, Alpha Events emitted by IFluidDataStoreRuntime.
Internal_InterfaceOfJsonableTypesWith Legacy, Alpha


TypeAlias Alerts Description
IDeltaManagerErased Legacy, Alpha Manages the transmission of ops between the runtime and storage.
Jsonable Legacy, Alpha Used to constrain a type T to types that are serializable as JSON. Produces a compile-time error if T contains non-Jsonable members.
JsonableTypeWith Legacy, Alpha Type constraint for types that are likely serializable as JSON or have a custom alternate type.
Serializable Legacy, Alpha Used to constrain a type 'T' to types that Fluid can intrinsically serialize. Produces a compile-time error if T contains non-serializable members.