SharedObjectCore Class
Base class from which all shared objects derive
export declare abstract class SharedObjectCore<TEvent extends ISharedObjectEvents = ISharedObjectEvents> extends EventEmitterWithErrorHandling<TEvent> implements ISharedObject<TEvent>
Extends: EventEmitterWithErrorHandling
Implements: ISharedObject
Type Parameters
Parameter | Constraint | Default | Description |
TEvent | ISharedObjectEvents | ISharedObjectEvents |
Constructor | Description |
(constructor)(id, runtime, attributes) | Constructs a new instance of the SharedObjectCore class |
Property | Type | Description |
attributes | IChannelAttributes | |
connected | boolean | Gets the connection state |
handle | IFluidHandle | The handle referring to this SharedObject |
id | string | |
IFluidLoadable | this | |
logger | ITelemetryLogger | Telemetry logger for the shared object |
runtime | IFluidDataStoreRuntime |
Method | Return Type | Description |
applyStashedOp(content) | unknown | Apply changes from an op. Used when rehydrating an attached container with pending changes. This prepares the SharedObject for seeing an ACK for the op or resubmitting the op upon reconnection. |
bindToContext() | void | Binds the given shared object to its containing data store runtime, causing it to attach once the runtime attaches. |
connect(services) | void | Enables the channel to send and receive ops. |
didAttach() | void | Allows the distributive data type the ability to perform custom processing once an attach has happened. Also called after non-local data type get loaded. |
dirty() | void | Marks this object as dirty so that it is part of the next summary. It is called by a SharedSummaryBlock that want to be part of summary but does not generate ops. |
getAttachSummary(fullTree, trackState, telemetryContext) | ISummaryTreeWithStats | Generates summary of the channel synchronously. It is called when an attach message for a local channel is generated. In other words, when the channel is being attached to make it visible to other clients. Note: Since Attach Summary is generated for local channels when making them visible to remote clients, they don't have any previous summaries to compare against. For this reason, The attach summary cannot contain summary handles (paths to sub-trees or blobs). It can, however, contain ISummaryAttachment (handles to blobs uploaded async via the blob manager). |
getGCData(fullGC) | IGarbageCollectionData | Returns the GC data for this shared object. It contains a list of GC nodes that contains references to other GC nodes. |
handleDecoded(decodedHandle) | void | Called when a handle is decoded by this object. A handle in the object's data represents an outbound reference to another object in the container. |
initializeLocal() | void | Initializes the object as a local, non-shared object. This object can become shared after it is attached to the document. |
initializeLocalCore() | void | Allows the distributed data type to perform custom local loading. |
isAttached() | boolean | Checks if the channel is attached to storage. |
load(services) | Promise<void> | A shared object, after construction, can either be loaded in the case that it is already part of a shared document. Or later attached if it is being newly added. |
loadCore(services) | Promise<void> | Allows the distributed data type to perform custom loading |
newAckBasedPromise(executor) | Promise<T> | Promises that are waiting for an ack from the server before resolving should use this instead of new Promise. It ensures that if something changes that will interrupt that ack (e.g. the FluidDataStoreRuntime disposes), the Promise will reject. If runtime is disposed when this call is made, executor is not run and promise is rejected right away. |
onConnect() | void | Called when the object has fully connected to the delta stream Default implementation for DDS, override if different behavior is required. |
onDisconnect() | any | Called when the object has disconnected from the delta stream. |
processCore(message, local, localOpMetadata) | any | Derived classes must override this to do custom processing on a remote message. |
reSubmitCore(content, localOpMetadata) | void | Called when a message has to be resubmitted. This typically happens after a reconnection for unacked messages. The default implementation here is to resubmit the same message. The client can override if different behavior is required. It can choose to resubmit the same message, submit different / multiple messages or not submit anything at all. |
rollback(content, localOpMetadata) | void | Revert an op |
submitLocalMessage(content, localOpMetadata) | void | Submits a message by the local client to the runtime. |
summarize(fullTree, trackState, telemetryContext) | Promise<ISummaryTreeWithStats> | Generates summary of the channel asynchronously. This should not be called where the channel can be modified while summarization is in progress. |
Constructor Details
Constructs a new instance of the SharedObjectCore
constructor(id: string, runtime: IFluidDataStoreRuntime, attributes: IChannelAttributes);
Parameter | Type | Description |
id | string | The id of the shared object |
runtime | IFluidDataStoreRuntime | The IFluidDataStoreRuntime which contains the shared object |
attributes | IChannelAttributes | Attributes of the shared object |
Property Details
readonly attributes: IChannelAttributes;
Type: IChannelAttributes
Gets the connection state
get connected(): boolean;
Type: boolean
The handle referring to this SharedObject
readonly handle: IFluidHandle;
Type: IFluidHandle
id: string;
Type: string
get IFluidLoadable(): this;
Type: this
Telemetry logger for the shared object
protected readonly logger: ITelemetryLogger;
Type: ITelemetryLogger
protected runtime: IFluidDataStoreRuntime;
Type: IFluidDataStoreRuntime
Method Details
Apply changes from an op. Used when rehydrating an attached container with pending changes. This prepares the SharedObject for seeing an ACK for the op or resubmitting the op upon reconnection.
protected abstract applyStashedOp(content: any): unknown;
Parameter | Type | Description |
content | any | Contents of a stashed op. |
localMetadata of the op, to be passed to process() or resubmit() when the op is ACKed or resubmitted, respectively
Return type: unknown
Binds the given shared object to its containing data store runtime, causing it to attach once the runtime attaches.
bindToContext(): void;
Enables the channel to send and receive ops.
connect(services: IChannelServices): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
services | IChannelServices | Services to connect to |
Allows the distributive data type the ability to perform custom processing once an attach has happened. Also called after non-local data type get loaded.
protected didAttach(): void;
Marks this object as dirty so that it is part of the next summary. It is called by a SharedSummaryBlock that want to be part of summary but does not generate ops.
protected dirty(): void;
Generates summary of the channel synchronously. It is called when an attach message
for a local channel is generated. In other words, when the channel is being attached to make it visible to other clients. Note: Since Attach Summary is generated for local channels when making them visible to remote clients, they don't have any previous summaries to compare against. For this reason, The attach summary cannot contain summary handles (paths to sub-trees or blobs). It can, however, contain ISummaryAttachment (handles to blobs uploaded async via the blob manager).
abstract getAttachSummary(fullTree?: boolean, trackState?: boolean, telemetryContext?: ITelemetryContext): ISummaryTreeWithStats;
Parameter | Modifiers | Type | Description |
fullTree | optional | boolean | flag indicating whether the attempt should generate a full summary tree without any handles for unchanged subtrees. |
trackState | optional | boolean | optimization for tracking state of objects across summaries. If the state of an object did not change since last successful summary, an ISummaryHandle can be used instead of re-summarizing it. If this is false, the expectation is that you should never send an ISummaryHandle since you are not expected to track state. Note: The goal is to remove the trackState and automatically decided whether the handles will be used or not: |
telemetryContext | optional | ITelemetryContext |
A summary capturing the current state of the channel.
Return type: ISummaryTreeWithStats
Returns the GC data for this shared object. It contains a list of GC nodes that contains references to other GC nodes.
abstract getGCData(fullGC?: boolean): IGarbageCollectionData;
Parameter | Modifiers | Type | Description |
fullGC | optional | boolean | true to bypass optimizations and force full generation of GC data. |
Return type: IGarbageCollectionData
Called when a handle is decoded by this object. A handle in the object's data represents an outbound reference to another object in the container.
protected handleDecoded(decodedHandle: IFluidHandle): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
decodedHandle | IFluidHandle | The handle of the Fluid object that is decoded. |
Initializes the object as a local, non-shared object. This object can become shared after it is attached to the document.
initializeLocal(): void;
Allows the distributed data type to perform custom local loading.
protected initializeLocalCore(): void;
Checks if the channel is attached to storage.
isAttached(): boolean;
True iff the channel is attached.
Return type: boolean
A shared object, after construction, can either be loaded in the case that it is already part of a shared document. Or later attached if it is being newly added.
load(services: IChannelServices): Promise<void>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
services | IChannelServices | Services used by the shared object |
Return type: Promise<void>
Allows the distributed data type to perform custom loading
protected abstract loadCore(services: IChannelStorageService): Promise<void>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
services | IChannelStorageService | Storage used by the shared object |
Return type: Promise<void>
Promises that are waiting for an ack from the server before resolving should use this instead of new Promise. It ensures that if something changes that will interrupt that ack (e.g. the FluidDataStoreRuntime disposes), the Promise will reject. If runtime is disposed when this call is made, executor is not run and promise is rejected right away.
protected newAckBasedPromise<T>(executor: (resolve: (value: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void) => void): Promise<T>;
Type Parameters
Parameter | Description |
T |
Parameter | Type | Description |
executor | (resolve: (value: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void, reject: (reason?: any) => void) => void |
Return type: Promise<T>
Called when the object has fully connected to the delta stream Default implementation for DDS, override if different behavior is required.
protected onConnect(): void;
Called when the object has disconnected from the delta stream.
protected abstract onDisconnect(): any;
Return type: any
Derived classes must override this to do custom processing on a remote message.
protected abstract processCore(message: ISequencedDocumentMessage, local: boolean, localOpMetadata: unknown): any;
Parameter | Type | Description |
message | ISequencedDocumentMessage | The message to process |
local | boolean | True if the shared object is local |
localOpMetadata | unknown | For local client messages, this is the metadata that was submitted with the message. For messages from a remote client, this will be undefined. |
Return type: any
Called when a message has to be resubmitted. This typically happens after a reconnection for unacked messages. The default implementation here is to resubmit the same message. The client can override if different behavior is required. It can choose to resubmit the same message, submit different / multiple messages or not submit anything at all.
protected reSubmitCore(content: any, localOpMetadata: unknown): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
content | any | The content of the original message. |
localOpMetadata | unknown | The local metadata associated with the original message. |
Revert an op
protected rollback(content: any, localOpMetadata: unknown): void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
content | any | |
localOpMetadata | unknown |
Submits a message by the local client to the runtime.
protected submitLocalMessage(content: any, localOpMetadata?: unknown): void;
Parameter | Modifiers | Type | Description |
content | any | Content of the message | |
localOpMetadata | optional | unknown | The local metadata associated with the message. This is kept locally by the runtime and not sent to the server. This will be sent back when this message is received back from the server. This is also sent if we are asked to resubmit the message. |
Generates summary of the channel asynchronously. This should not be called where the channel can be modified while summarization is in progress.
abstract summarize(fullTree?: boolean, trackState?: boolean, telemetryContext?: ITelemetryContext): Promise<ISummaryTreeWithStats>;
Parameter | Modifiers | Type | Description |
fullTree | optional | boolean | flag indicating whether the attempt should generate a full summary tree without any handles for unchanged subtrees. It is only set to true when generating a summary from the entire container. |
trackState | optional | boolean | This tells whether we should track state from this summary. |
telemetryContext | optional | ITelemetryContext |
A summary capturing the current state of the channel.
Return type: Promise<ISummaryTreeWithStats>