Packages > @fluidframework/shared-object-base > ISharedObject

ISharedObject Interface

Base interface for shared objects from which other interfaces derive. Implemented by SharedObject


export interface ISharedObject<TEvent extends ISharedObjectEvents = ISharedObjectEvents> extends IChannel, IEventProvider<TEvent>

Extends: IChannel , IEventProvider

Type Parameters

Parameter Constraint Default Description
TEvent ISharedObjectEvents ISharedObjectEvents


Method Return Type Description
bindToContext() void Binds the given shared object to its containing data store runtime, causing it to attach once the runtime attaches.
getGCData(fullGC) IGarbageCollectionData Returns the GC data for this shared object. It contains a list of GC nodes that contains references to other GC nodes.

Method Details


Binds the given shared object to its containing data store runtime, causing it to attach once the runtime attaches.


bindToContext(): void;


Returns the GC data for this shared object. It contains a list of GC nodes that contains references to other GC nodes.


getGCData(fullGC?: boolean): IGarbageCollectionData;


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
fullGC optional boolean true to bypass optimizations and force full generation of GC data.


Return type: IGarbageCollectionData