Packages > @fluidframework/container-definitions > ISelf

ISelf Interface

Return type of getSelf . Please see remarks for getSelf to learn more details on promises.


export interface ISelf


Property Modifiers Type Description
client optional IClient Information about current client (including user identity, connection properties), supplied by ordering service when client connected to it and received clientId. If present (not undefined), it's same value as calling IAudience.getMember(clientId). This property could be undefined even if there is non-undefined clientId. This could happen in the following cases: 1) Container was loaded from stash, by providing IPendingContainerState state to Container.load(). 2) Container is in the process of establishing new connection. Information about old connection is already reset (old clientId is no longer in list of members), but clientId has not yet changed to a new value.
clientId string clientId of current or previous connection (if client is in disconnected or reconnecting / catching up state) It changes only when client has reconnected, caught up with latest ops.

Property Details


Information about current client (including user identity, connection properties), supplied by ordering service when client connected to it and received clientId . If present (not undefined), it’s same value as calling IAudience.getMember(clientId). This property could be undefined even if there is non-undefined clientId. This could happen in the following cases: 1) Container was loaded from stash, by providing IPendingContainerState state to Container.load(). 2) Container is in the process of establishing new connection. Information about old connection is already reset (old clientId is no longer in list of members), but clientId has not yet changed to a new value.


client?: IClient;

Type: IClient


clientId of current or previous connection (if client is in disconnected or reconnecting / catching up state) It changes only when client has reconnected, caught up with latest ops.


clientId: string;

Type: string