Packages > fluid-framework > ISubscribable

ISubscribable Interface

An object which allows the registration of listeners so that subscribers can be notified when an event happens.

EventEmitter can be used as a base class to implement this via extension.


export interface ISubscribable<E extends Events<E>>

Type Parameters

Parameter Constraint Description
E Events<E>


type MyEventEmitter = IEventEmitter<{
  load: (user: string, data: IUserData) => void;
  error: (errorCode: number) => void;


Method Return Type Description
on(eventName, listener) () => void Register an event listener.

Method Details


Register an event listener.


on<K extends keyof Events<E>>(eventName: K, listener: E[K]): () => void;
Type Parameters
Parameter Constraint Description
K keyof Events<E>


Parameter Type Description
eventName K the name of the event
listener E[K] the handler to run when the event is fired by the emitter


a function which will deregister the listener when run. This function has undefined behavior if called more than once.

Return type: () => void