@fluid-experimental/tree Package
Fluid DDS storing a tree.
Interface | Modifiers | Description |
Build |
Constructs a sequence of nodes, associates it with the supplied ID, and stores it for use in later changes. Does not modify the document. Valid if (transitively) all DetachedSequenceId are used according to their rules (use here counts as a destination), and all Nodes' identifiers are previously unused. |
BuildInternal_0_0_2 |
Constructs a sequence of nodes, associates it with the supplied ID, and stores it for use in later changes. Does not modify the document. Valid if (transitively) all DetachedSequenceId are used according to their rules (use here counts as a destination), and all Nodes' identifiers are previously unused. |
BuildInternal |
Constructs a sequence of nodes, associates it with the supplied ID, and stores it for use in later changes. Does not modify the document. Valid if (transitively) all DetachedSequenceId are used according to their rules (use here counts as a destination), and all Nodes' identifiers are previously unused. |
BuildTreeNode | Node for use in a Build change, which is composed of a definition describing what this nodes type, an identifier identifying this node within the tree, and a payload containing an opaque serializable piece of data. An identifier can be provided explicitly if the node must be referred to before the results of the Change containing this BuildTreeNode can be observed. If identifier is not supplied, one will be generated for it in an especially efficient manner that allows for compact storage and transmission and thus this property should be omitted if convenient. See the SharedTree readme for more on the tree format. |
Constraint | A set of constraints on the validity of an Edit. A Constraint is used to detect when an Edit, due to other concurrent edits, may have unintended effects or merge in non-semantic ways. It is processed in order like any other Change in an Edit. It can cause an edit to fail if the various constraints are not met at the time of evaluation (ex: the parentNode has changed due to concurrent editing). Does not modify the document. | |
ConstraintInternal_0_0_2 | A set of constraints on the validity of an Edit. A Constraint is used to detect when an Edit, due to other concurrent edits, may have unintended effects or merge in non-semantic ways. It is processed in order like any other Change in an Edit. It can cause an edit to fail if the various constraints are not met at the time of evaluation (ex: the parentNode has changed due to concurrent editing). Does not modify the document. | |
ConstraintInternal | A set of constraints on the validity of an Edit. A Constraint is used to detect when an Edit, due to other concurrent edits, may have unintended effects or merge in non-semantic ways. It is processed in order like any other Change in an Edit. It can cause an edit to fail if the various constraints are not met at the time of evaluation (ex: the parentNode has changed due to concurrent editing). Does not modify the document. | |
Delta | Differences from one forest to another. | |
Detach | Removes a sequence of nodes from the tree. If a destination is specified, the detached sequence is associated with that ID and held for possible reuse by later changes in this same Edit (such as by an Insert). A Detach without a destination is a deletion of the specified sequence, as is a Detach with a destination that is not used later. | |
DetachInternal_0_0_2 | Removes a sequence of nodes from the tree. If a destination is specified, the detached sequence is associated with that ID and held for possible reuse by later changes in this same Edit (such as by an Insert). A Detach without a destination is a deletion of the specified sequence, as is a Detach with a destination that is not used later. | |
DetachInternal | Removes a sequence of nodes from the tree. If a destination is specified, the detached sequence is associated with that ID and held for possible reuse by later changes in this same Edit (such as by an Insert). A Detach without a destination is a deletion of the specified sequence, as is a Detach with a destination that is not used later. | |
Edit | A collection of changes to the tree that are applied atomically along with a unique identifier for the edit. If any individual change fails to apply, the entire Edit will fail to apply. | |
EditBase | The information included in an edit. | |
EditCommittedEventArguments | The arguments included when the EditCommitted SharedTreeEvent is emitted. | |
EditHandle | EditHandles are used to load edit chunks stored outside of the EditLog. This is typically implemented by a wrapper around an IFluidHandle. | |
EditingResultBase | Basic result of applying a transaction. | |
EditLogSummary | Information used to populate an edit log. In 0.1.1, this is a persisted type only for EditLogSummary<CompressedChangeInternal, FluidEditHandle> , where calling FluidEditHandle.get returns an array buffer of compressed editChunk contents. The type is parameterized to avoid nearly identical type definitions for uncompressed forms of the edit log, and abstracting away the fact that handle fetching needs to invoke decompression. |
EditWithoutId | A collection of changes to the tree that are applied atomically. If any individual change fails to apply, the entire Edit will fail to apply. | |
FailedEditingResult | Result of applying an invalid or malformed transaction. | |
FailingTransactionState | The state of a transaction that has encountered an error. | |
FluidEditHandle | FluidEditHandles are used to load edit chunks stored outside of the EditLog. Can be satisfied by IFluidHandle. Note that though this is in PersistedTypes , it isn't directly serializable (e.g. get is a function). Its serialization relies on being encoded via an IFluidSerializer. |
ForestNode | A node that can be contained within a Forest | |
GenericTransactionPolicy |
An object that encapsulates the rules and state pertaining to a specific subclass of GenericTransaction. The characteristics that define such a subclass (and an implementation of this interface) are: - The type of change that can be applied - How those changes impact the state of the tree - How those changes are resolved in the face of concurrent changes - What makes a transaction valid - The kind of situations that might lead to a transaction failure Instances of this type are passed to the GenericTransaction constructor. |
HasTraits | An object which may have traits with children of the given type underneath it | |
HasVariadicTraits | An object which may have traits with children of the given type underneath it | |
ICheckoutEvents | Events which may be emitted by Checkout . See CheckoutEvent for documentation of event semantics. |
Insert | Inserts a sequence of nodes at the specified destination. The source can be constructed either by a Build (used to insert new nodes) or a Detach (amounts to a "move" operation). | |
InsertInternal_0_0_2 | Inserts a sequence of nodes at the specified destination. The source can be constructed either by a Build (used to insert new nodes) or a Detach (amounts to a "move" operation). | |
InsertInternal | Inserts a sequence of nodes at the specified destination. The source can be constructed either by a Build (used to insert new nodes) or a Detach (amounts to a "move" operation). | |
InternalizedChange | This type should be used as an opaque handle in the public API for ChangeInternal objects. This is useful for supporting public APIs which involve working with a tree's edit history, which will involve changes that have already been internalized. |
ISharedTreeEvents | Events which may be emitted by SharedTree . See SharedTreeEvent for documentation of event semantics. |
LogViewer | Creates RevisionView s for the revisions in an EditLog |
MergeHealthStats | Statistics about the health of collaborative edit merging when using SharedTree. All of those numbers constitute a tally since the last heartbeat was logged or cleared. | |
NodeData | The fields required by a node in a tree | |
NodeIdBrand | ||
NodeIdContext | An object which can generate node IDs and convert node IDs between compressed and stable variants | |
NodeIdConverter | An object which can convert node IDs between compressed and stable variants | |
NodeIdGenerator | An object which can generate node IDs | |
NodeInTrait | Contains some redundant information. Use only in computations between edits. Do not store. | |
OrderedEditSet | sealed |
An ordered set of Edits associated with a SharedTree. Supports fast lookup of edits by ID and enforces idempotence. Edits are virtualized, however, edits added during the current session are guaranteed to be available synchronously. |
ParentData | Information about a ForestNode's parent | |
ReconciliationChange | A change in the ReconciliationPath . |
ReconciliationEdit | An edit in the ReconciliationPath . |
ReconciliationPath | The path of edits from the revision view where a change was meant to have been applied to the view where the edit that contains the change is actually applied. The path only contains edits that were successfully applied. This path is always empty for a change that has no concurrent edits. | |
SequencedEditAppliedEventArguments | The arguments included when the SequencedEditApplied SharedTreeEvent is emitted. | |
SessionUnique | A brand for identity types that are unique within a particular session (SharedTree instance). | |
SetValue | Modifies the payload of a node. | |
SetValueInternal_0_0_2 | Modifies the payload of a node. | |
SetValueInternal | Modifies the payload of a node. | |
SharedTreeOptions_0_0_2 | Configuration options for a SharedTree with write format 0.0.2 | |
SharedTreeOptions_0_1_1 | Configuration options for a SharedTree with write format 0.1.1 | |
SharedTreeSummaryBase | The minimal information on a SharedTree summary. Contains the summary format version. | |
StablePlace |
A location in a trait. This is NOT the location of a node, but a location where a node could be inserted: it is next to a sibling or at one end of the trait. To be well formed, either Any given insertion location can be described by two The anchor (
StablePlaceInternal_0_0_2 |
A location in a trait. This is NOT the location of a node, but a location where a node could be inserted: it is next to a sibling or at one end of the trait. To be well formed, either Any given insertion location can be described by two The anchor (
StablePlaceInternal |
A location in a trait. This is NOT the location of a node, but a location where a node could be inserted: it is next to a sibling or at one end of the trait. To be well formed, either Any given insertion location can be described by two The anchor (
StableRange |
Specifies the range of nodes from See StablePlace for what it means for a place to be "after" another place.
StableRangeInternal_0_0_2 |
Specifies the range of nodes from See StablePlace for what it means for a place to be "after" another place.
StableRangeInternal |
Specifies the range of nodes from See StablePlace for what it means for a place to be "after" another place.
StashedLocalOpMetadata | Contains information resulting from processing stashed shared tree ops | |
StringInterner | Interns strings as integers. | |
SucceedingTransactionState | The state of a transaction that has not encountered an error. | |
TraitLocation | Specifies the location of a trait (a labeled sequence of nodes) within the tree. | |
TraitLocationInternal_0_0_2 | Specifies the location of a trait (a labeled sequence of nodes) within the tree. | |
TraitLocationInternal | Specifies the location of a trait (a labeled sequence of nodes) within the tree. | |
TraitMap | Json compatible map as object. Keys are TraitLabels, Values are the content of the trait specified by the key. | |
TransactionEvents | Events which may be emitted by Transaction |
TransactionFailure | The failure state of a transaction. | |
TreeNode | Satisfies NodeData and may contain children under traits (which may or may not be TreeNodes ) |
TreeViewNode | An immutable view of a distributed tree node. | |
TreeViewPlace | A place within a particular TreeView that is anchored relative to a specific node in the tree, or relative to the outside of the trait. Valid iff 'trait' is valid and, if provided, sibling is in the Location specified by 'trait'. |
TreeViewRange | Specifies the range of nodes from start to end within a trait within a particular TreeView . Valid iff start and end are valid and are within the same trait. |
ValidEditingResult | Result of applying a valid transaction. |
Class | Modifiers | Description |
Checkout |
A mutable Checkout of a SharedTree, allowing viewing and interactive transactional editing. Provides snapshot-isolation while editing. A Checkout always shows a consistent sequence of versions of the SharedTree, but it may skip intermediate versions, and may fall behind. In this case consistent means the sequence of versions could occur with fully synchronous shared tree access, though the timing of sequenced edits arriving to the Checkout may be later than they actually arrive in the SharedTree. Specifically no sequenced edits will arrive during an ongoing edit (to implement snapshot isolation): they will be applied asynchronously some time after the ongoing edit is ended. Events emitted by |
EagerCheckout | sealed |
Checkout that always stays up to date with the SharedTree. This means that waitForPendingUpdates() is always a no-op since EagerCheckout is always up to date. |
Forest | An immutable forest of ForestNode. Enforces single parenting, and allows querying the parent. | |
GenericTransaction |
A mutable transaction for applying sequences of changes to a TreeView. Allows viewing the intermediate states. Contains necessary state to apply changes within an edit to a TreeView. May have any number of changes applied to make up the edit. Use No data outside the Transaction is modified by Transaction: the results from |
LazyCheckout | sealed |
Checkout that only updates its view of the tree when explicitly requested. This means that the currentView field will never change unless waitForPendingUpdates() is called. |
RevisionView | An immutable view of a distributed tree. | |
SharedTree | A [distributed tree](../Readme.md). | |
SharedTreeFactory | Factory for SharedTree. Includes history in the summary. | |
SharedTreeMergeHealthTelemetryHeartbeat | Aggregates and logs telemetry about the success of concurrent edits. | |
Transaction | Buffers changes to be applied to an isolated view of a SharedTree over time before applying them directly to the tree itself as a single edit |
TransactionView | An view of a distributed tree that is part of an ongoing transaction between RevisionView s. |
TreeNodeHandle | A handle to a TreeNode that exists within a specific TreeView . This type provides a convenient API for traversing trees of nodes in a TreeView and is not designed to provide maximum runtime performance; if performance is a concern, consider using the TreeView and TreeViewNode APIs directly. |
TreeView | A view of a distributed tree. |
Enum | Description |
ChangeType | The type of a Change |
ChangeTypeInternal | The type of a Change |
CheckoutEvent | An event emitted by a Checkout to indicate a state change. See ICheckoutEvents for event argument information. |
ConstraintEffect | What to do when a Constraint is violated. |
EditStatus | The status code of an attempt to apply the changes in an Edit. |
EditValidationResult | The result of validation of an Edit. |
PlaceValidationResult | The result of validating a place. |
RangeValidationResultKind | The kinds of result of validating a range. |
SharedTreeDiagnosticEvent | An event emitted by a SharedTree for diagnostic purposes. See ISharedTreeEvents for event argument information. |
SharedTreeEvent | An event emitted by a SharedTree to indicate a state change. See ISharedTreeEvents for event argument information. |
Side |
Defines a place relative to sibling. The "outside" of a trait is the For this purpose, traits look like:
Each Each place can be specified, (aka 'anchored') in two ways (relative to the sibling before or after): the choice of which way to anchor a place only matters when the kept across an edit, and thus evaluated in multiple contexts where the two place description may no longer evaluate to the same place. |
TransactionEvent | An event emitted by a Transaction to indicate a state change. See TransactionEvents for event argument information. |
WriteFormat | Format versions that SharedTree supports writing. Changes to op or summary formats necessitate updates. |
TypeAlias | Description |
AttributionId | An identifier associated with a session for the purpose of attributing its created content to some user/entity. |
BadPlaceValidationResult | The result of validating a bad place. |
BadRangeValidationResult | The result of validating a bad range. |
BuildNode | Node or a detached sequence of nodes (referred to by a detached sequence ID) for use in a Build change. See BuildTreeNode for more. |
BuildNodeInternal_0_0_2 | Node or a detached sequence of nodes (referred to by a detached sequence ID) for use in a Build change. See BuildTreeNode for more. |
BuildNodeInternal | Node or a detached sequence of nodes (referred to by a detached sequence ID) for use in a Build change. See BuildTreeNode for more. |
Change |
A change that composes an Edit.
ChangeInternal |
A change that composes an Edit.
ChangeNode_0_0_2 | JSON-compatible Node type. Objects of this type will be persisted in internal change objects (under Edits) in the SharedTree history. |
ChangeNode | JSON-compatible Node type. Objects of this type will be persisted in internal change objects (under Edits) in the SharedTree history. |
ChangeResult | The result of applying a change within a transaction. |
CompressedId | An identifier (UUID) that has been shortened by a distributed compression algorithm. |
Definition | Definition. A full (Uuid) persistable definition. |
DetachedSequenceId |
Scoped to a single edit: identifies a sequences of nodes that can be moved into a trait. Within a given Edit, any DetachedSequenceId must be a source at most once, and a destination at most once. If used as a source, it must be after it is used as a destination. If this is violated, the Edit is considered malformed. |
EditApplicationOutcome | The outcome of an edit. |
EditCommittedHandler | Expected type for a handler of the EditCommitted event. |
EditId | Edit identifier |
EditingResult | Result of applying a transaction. |
FinalCompressedId | A compressed ID that is local to a document. Stable across all revisions of a document starting from the one in which it was created. It should not be persisted outside of the history as it can only be decompressed in the context of the originating document. If external persistence is needed (e.g. by a client), a StableId should be used instead. |
InternedStringId | The ID of the string that has been interned, which can be used by a StringInterner to retrieve the original string. |
LocalCompressedId | A compressed ID that is local to a session (can only be decompressed when paired with a SessionId). It should not be persisted outside of the history as it can only be decompressed in the context of the originating session. If external persistence is needed (e.g. by a client), a StableId should be used instead. |
NodeId | Node identifier. Identifies a node within a document. |
Payload |
Json compatible representation of a payload storing arbitrary Serializable data. Keys starting with "IFluid" are reserved for special use such as the JavaScript feature detection pattern and should not be used. See comparePayloads(a, b) for equality semantics and related details (like what is allowed to be lost when serializing) TODO:#51984: Allow opting into heuristic blobbing in snapshots with a special IFluid key. |
PlaceholderTree | A tree whose nodes are either TreeNodes or a placeholder |
PlaceIndex | Index of a place within a trait. 0 = before all nodes, 1 = after first node, etc. |
RangeValidationResult | The result of validating a range. |
Result | Discriminated union instance that wraps either a result of type TOk or an error of type TError . |
Revision |
A revision corresponds to an index in an It is associated with the output |
SequencedEditAppliedHandler | Expected type for a handler of the SequencedEditApplied event. |
SessionSpaceCompressedId | A compressed ID that has been normalized into "session space" (see IdCompressor for more). Consumer-facing APIs and data structures should use session-space IDs as their lifetime and equality is stable and tied to the compressor that produced them. |
SharedTreeArgs | The write format and associated options used to construct a SharedTree |
SharedTreeOptions | The type of shared tree options for a given write format |
StableNodeId | Globally unique node identifier. Uniquely identifies a node within and across documents. Can be used across SharedTree instances. |
TraitLabel | Definition. A full (Uuid) persistable label for a trait. |
TraitNodeIndex | Index of a node within a trait. 0 = first node, 1 = second node, etc. |
TransactionState | The ongoing state of a transaction. |
TreeNodeSequence | A sequence of Nodes that make up a trait under a Node |
UuidString | A 128-bit Universally Unique IDentifier. Represented here with a string of the form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx, where x is a lowercase hex digit. |
Function | Return Type | Description |
areRevisionViewsSemanticallyEqual(treeViewA, idConverterA, treeViewB, idConverterB) | boolean | Compare two views such that semantically equivalent node IDs are considered equal. |
comparePayloads(a, b) | boolean | |
getSerializedUploadedEditChunkContents(sharedTree) | Promise<string> | Returns a serialized description of blob paths and their associated contents for all uploaded edit chunks in the given edit log. |
getTraitLocationOfRange(view, range) | TraitLocation | Return the trait under which the given range resides |
isSharedTreeEvent(event) | boolean | Returns if the supplied event is a SharedTree telemetry event. |
placeFromStablePlace(view, stablePlace) | TreeViewPlace | Express the given StablePlace as a TreeViewPlace |
rangeFromStableRange(view, range) | TreeViewRange | Express the given StableRange as a TreeViewRange |
setTrait(trait, nodes) | Change[] | Create a sequence of changes that resets the contents of trait . |
useFailedSequencedEditTelemetry(tree) | { disable: () => void; } | Logs generic telemetry for failed sequenced edits. Only failing edits that were originally made locally are logged. |
Variable | Type | Description |
Change | { build: (source: BuildNode | TreeNodeSequence<BuildNode>, destination: number) => Build; insert: (source: number, destination: StablePlace) => Insert; detach: (source: StableRange, destination?: number | undefined) => Detach; setPayload: (nodeToModify: NodeId, payload: Payload) => SetValue; clearPayload: (nodeToModify: NodeId) => SetValue; constraint: (toConstrain: StableRange, effect: ConstraintEffect, identityHash?: UuidString | undefined, length?: number | undefined, contentHash?: UuidString | undefined, parentNode?: NodeId | undefined, label?: TraitLabel | undefined) => Constraint; delete: (stableRange: StableRange) => Change; insertTree: (nodes: BuildNode | TreeNodeSequence<BuildNode>, destination: StablePlace) => Change[]; move: (source: StableRange, destination: StablePlace) => Change[]; } | |
ChangeInternal | { build: (source: TreeNodeSequence<BuildNodeInternal>, destination: DetachedSequenceId) => BuildInternal; insert: (source: DetachedSequenceId, destination: StablePlaceInternal) => InsertInternal; detach: (source: StableRangeInternal, destination?: DetachedSequenceId | undefined) => DetachInternal; setPayload: (nodeToModify: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId, payload: Payload) => SetValueInternal; clearPayload: (nodeToModify: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => SetValueInternal; constraint: (toConstrain: StableRangeInternal, effect: ConstraintEffect, identityHash?: UuidString | undefined, length?: number | undefined, contentHash?: UuidString | undefined, parentNode?: NodeId | undefined, label?: TraitLabel | undefined) => ConstraintInternal; delete: (stableRange: StableRangeInternal) => ChangeInternal; insertTree: (nodes: TreeNodeSequence<BuildNodeInternal>, destination: StablePlaceInternal) => ChangeInternal[]; move: (source: StableRangeInternal, destination: StablePlaceInternal) => ChangeInternal[]; } | |
initialTree | ChangeNode_0_0_2 | The initial tree. |
sharedTreeAssertionErrorType |
Assertion failures in SharedTree will throw an exception containing this value as an Exporting this enables users to safely filter telemetry handling of errors based on their type. |
StablePlace | { before: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StablePlace; after: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StablePlace; atStartOf: (trait: TraitLocation) => StablePlace; atEndOf: (trait: TraitLocation) => StablePlace; } | |
StablePlaceInternal | { before: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StablePlaceInternal; after: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StablePlaceInternal; atStartOf: (trait: TraitLocationInternal) => StablePlaceInternal; atEndOf: (trait: TraitLocationInternal) => StablePlaceInternal; } | |
StableRange | { from: (start: StablePlace) => { to: (end: StablePlace) => StableRange; }; only: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StableRange; all: (trait: TraitLocation) => StableRange; } | |
StableRangeInternal | { from: (start: StablePlaceInternal) => { to: (end: StablePlaceInternal) => StableRangeInternal; }; only: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StableRangeInternal; all: (trait: TraitLocationInternal) => StableRangeInternal; } |
Namespace | Description |
Result | |
TransactionInternal |
A mutable transaction for applying sequences of changes to a TreeView. Allows viewing the intermediate states. Contains necessary state to apply changes within an edit to a TreeView. May have any number of changes applied to make up the edit. Use No data outside the Transaction is modified by Transaction: the results from |
Function Details
Compare two views such that semantically equivalent node IDs are considered equal.
export declare function areRevisionViewsSemanticallyEqual(treeViewA: TreeView, idConverterA: NodeIdConverter, treeViewB: TreeView, idConverterB: NodeIdConverter): boolean;
Parameter | Type | Description |
treeViewA | TreeView | |
idConverterA | NodeIdConverter | |
treeViewB | TreeView | |
idConverterB | NodeIdConverter |
Return type: boolean
export declare function comparePayloads(a: Payload, b: Payload): boolean;
Parameter | Type | Description |
a | Payload | |
b | Payload |
true if two Payloads
are identical. May return false for equivalent payloads encoded differently.
Object field order and object identity are not considered significant, and are ignored by this function. (This is because they may not be preserved through roundtrip).
For other information which Fluid would lose on serialization round trip, behavior is unspecified other than this this function is reflective (all payloads are equal to themselves) and commutative (argument order does not matter).
This means that any Payload is equal to itself and a deep clone of itself.
Payloads might not be equal to a version of themselves that has been serialized then deserialized. If they are serialized then deserialized again, the two deserialized objects will compare equal, however the serialized strings may be unequal (due to field order for objects being unspecified).
Fluid will cause lossy operations due to use of JSON.stringify(). This includes: - Loss of object identity - Loss of field order (may be ordered arbitrarily) - -0 becomes +0 - NaN, Infinity, -Infinity all become null - custom toJSON functions may cause arbitrary behavior - functions become undefined or null - non enumerable properties (including prototype) are lost - more (this is not a complete list)
Inputs must not contain cyclic references other than fields set to their immediate parent (for the JavaScript feature detection pattern).
IFluidHandle instances (detected via JavaScript feature detection pattern) are only compared by absolutePath.
TODO:#54095: Is there a better way to do this comparison?
Return type: boolean
Returns a serialized description of blob paths and their associated contents for all uploaded edit chunks in the given edit log.
export declare function getSerializedUploadedEditChunkContents(sharedTree: SharedTree): Promise<string>;
Parameter | Type | Description |
sharedTree | SharedTree |
Return type: Promise<string>
Return the trait under which the given range resides
export declare function getTraitLocationOfRange(view: TreeView, range: StableRange): TraitLocation;
Parameter | Type | Description |
view | TreeView | the TreeView within which to retrieve the trait location |
range | StableRange | must be well formed and valid |
Return type: TraitLocation
Returns if the supplied event is a SharedTree telemetry event.
export declare function isSharedTreeEvent(event: ITelemetryBaseEvent): boolean;
Parameter | Type | Description |
event | ITelemetryBaseEvent |
Return type: boolean
Express the given StablePlace as a TreeViewPlace
export declare function placeFromStablePlace(view: TreeView, stablePlace: StablePlace): TreeViewPlace;
Parameter | Type | Description |
view | TreeView | |
stablePlace | StablePlace |
Return type: TreeViewPlace
Express the given StableRange as a TreeViewRange
export declare function rangeFromStableRange(view: TreeView, range: StableRange): TreeViewRange;
Parameter | Type | Description |
view | TreeView | |
range | StableRange |
Return type: TreeViewRange
Create a sequence of changes that resets the contents of trait
export declare function setTrait(trait: TraitLocation, nodes: BuildNode | TreeNodeSequence<BuildNode>): Change[];
Parameter | Type | Description |
trait | TraitLocation | |
nodes | BuildNode | TreeNodeSequence<BuildNode> |
Return type: Change[]
Logs generic telemetry for failed sequenced edits. Only failing edits that were originally made locally are logged.
export declare function useFailedSequencedEditTelemetry(tree: SharedTree): {
disable: () => void;
Parameter | Type | Description |
tree | SharedTree | The tree for which to log the telemetry. |
Return type: { disable: () => void; }
Variable Details
Change: {
build: (source: BuildNode | TreeNodeSequence<BuildNode>, destination: number) => Build;
insert: (source: number, destination: StablePlace) => Insert;
detach: (source: StableRange, destination?: number | undefined) => Detach;
setPayload: (nodeToModify: NodeId, payload: Payload) => SetValue;
clearPayload: (nodeToModify: NodeId) => SetValue;
constraint: (toConstrain: StableRange, effect: ConstraintEffect, identityHash?: UuidString | undefined, length?: number | undefined, contentHash?: UuidString | undefined, parentNode?: NodeId | undefined, label?: TraitLabel | undefined) => Constraint;
delete: (stableRange: StableRange) => Change;
insertTree: (nodes: BuildNode | TreeNodeSequence<BuildNode>, destination: StablePlace) => Change[];
move: (source: StableRange, destination: StablePlace) => Change[];
Type: { build: (source: BuildNode | TreeNodeSequence<BuildNode>, destination: number) => Build; insert: (source: number, destination: StablePlace) => Insert; detach: (source: StableRange, destination?: number | undefined) => Detach; setPayload: (nodeToModify: NodeId, payload: Payload) => SetValue; clearPayload: (nodeToModify: NodeId) => SetValue; constraint: (toConstrain: StableRange, effect: ConstraintEffect, identityHash?: UuidString | undefined, length?: number | undefined, contentHash?: UuidString | undefined, parentNode?: NodeId | undefined, label?: TraitLabel | undefined) => Constraint; delete: (stableRange: StableRange) => Change; insertTree: (nodes: BuildNode | TreeNodeSequence<BuildNode>, destination: StablePlace) => Change[]; move: (source: StableRange, destination: StablePlace) => Change[]; }
ChangeInternal: {
build: (source: TreeNodeSequence<BuildNodeInternal>, destination: DetachedSequenceId) => BuildInternal;
insert: (source: DetachedSequenceId, destination: StablePlaceInternal) => InsertInternal;
detach: (source: StableRangeInternal, destination?: DetachedSequenceId | undefined) => DetachInternal;
setPayload: (nodeToModify: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId, payload: Payload) => SetValueInternal;
clearPayload: (nodeToModify: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => SetValueInternal;
constraint: (toConstrain: StableRangeInternal, effect: ConstraintEffect, identityHash?: UuidString | undefined, length?: number | undefined, contentHash?: UuidString | undefined, parentNode?: NodeId | undefined, label?: TraitLabel | undefined) => ConstraintInternal;
delete: (stableRange: StableRangeInternal) => ChangeInternal;
insertTree: (nodes: TreeNodeSequence<BuildNodeInternal>, destination: StablePlaceInternal) => ChangeInternal[];
move: (source: StableRangeInternal, destination: StablePlaceInternal) => ChangeInternal[];
Type: { build: (source: TreeNodeSequence<BuildNodeInternal>, destination: DetachedSequenceId) => BuildInternal; insert: (source: DetachedSequenceId, destination: StablePlaceInternal) => InsertInternal; detach: (source: StableRangeInternal, destination?: DetachedSequenceId | undefined) => DetachInternal; setPayload: (nodeToModify: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId, payload: Payload) => SetValueInternal; clearPayload: (nodeToModify: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => SetValueInternal; constraint: (toConstrain: StableRangeInternal, effect: ConstraintEffect, identityHash?: UuidString | undefined, length?: number | undefined, contentHash?: UuidString | undefined, parentNode?: NodeId | undefined, label?: TraitLabel | undefined) => ConstraintInternal; delete: (stableRange: StableRangeInternal) => ChangeInternal; insertTree: (nodes: TreeNodeSequence<BuildNodeInternal>, destination: StablePlaceInternal) => ChangeInternal[]; move: (source: StableRangeInternal, destination: StablePlaceInternal) => ChangeInternal[]; }
The initial tree.
initialTree: ChangeNode_0_0_2
Type: ChangeNode_0_0_2
Assertion failures in SharedTree will throw an exception containing this value as an errorType
. The Fluid runtime propagates this field in its handlings of errors thrown by containers. See https://github.com/microsoft/FluidFramework/blob/main/packages/loader/container-utils/src/error.ts
Exporting this enables users to safely filter telemetry handling of errors based on their type.
sharedTreeAssertionErrorType = "SharedTreeAssertion"
StablePlace: {
before: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StablePlace;
after: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StablePlace;
atStartOf: (trait: TraitLocation) => StablePlace;
atEndOf: (trait: TraitLocation) => StablePlace;
Type: { before: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StablePlace; after: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StablePlace; atStartOf: (trait: TraitLocation) => StablePlace; atEndOf: (trait: TraitLocation) => StablePlace; }
StablePlaceInternal: {
before: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StablePlaceInternal;
after: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StablePlaceInternal;
atStartOf: (trait: TraitLocationInternal) => StablePlaceInternal;
atEndOf: (trait: TraitLocationInternal) => StablePlaceInternal;
Type: { before: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StablePlaceInternal; after: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StablePlaceInternal; atStartOf: (trait: TraitLocationInternal) => StablePlaceInternal; atEndOf: (trait: TraitLocationInternal) => StablePlaceInternal; }
StableRange: {
from: (start: StablePlace) => {
to: (end: StablePlace) => StableRange;
only: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StableRange;
all: (trait: TraitLocation) => StableRange;
Type: { from: (start: StablePlace) => { to: (end: StablePlace) => StableRange; }; only: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StableRange; all: (trait: TraitLocation) => StableRange; }
StableRangeInternal: {
from: (start: StablePlaceInternal) => {
to: (end: StablePlaceInternal) => StableRangeInternal;
only: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StableRangeInternal;
all: (trait: TraitLocationInternal) => StableRangeInternal;
Type: { from: (start: StablePlaceInternal) => { to: (end: StablePlaceInternal) => StableRangeInternal; }; only: (node: NodeData<NodeId> | NodeId) => StableRangeInternal; all: (trait: TraitLocationInternal) => StableRangeInternal; }