ISharedSegmentSequence Interface

Packages > fluid-framework > ISharedSegmentSequence

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via fluid-framework/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


export interface ISharedSegmentSequence<T extends ISegment> extends ISharedObject<ISharedSegmentSequenceEvents>, ISharedIntervalCollection<SequenceInterval>, MergeTreeRevertibleDriver

Extends: ISharedObject <ISharedSegmentSequenceEvents >, ISharedIntervalCollection <SequenceInterval >, MergeTreeRevertibleDriver

Type Parameters

Parameter Constraint Description
T ISegment


Method Alerts Return Type Description
annotateRange(start, end, props) Alpha void Annotates the range with the provided properties
createLocalReferencePosition(segment, offset, refType, properties, slidingPreference, canSlideToEndpoint) Alpha LocalReferencePosition Creates a LocalReferencePosition on this SharedString. If the refType does not include ReferenceType.Transient, the returned reference will be added to the localRefs on the provided segment.
getContainingSegment(pos) Alpha { segment: T | undefined; offset: number | undefined; } Finds the segment information (i.e. segment + offset) corresponding to a character position in the SharedString. If the position is past the end of the string, segment and offset on the returned object may be undefined.
getCurrentSeq() Alpha number
getIntervalCollection(label) Alpha IIntervalCollection<SequenceInterval> Retrieves the interval collection keyed on label. If no such interval collection exists, creates one.
getIntervalCollectionLabels() Alpha IterableIterator<string>
getLength() Alpha number Returns the length of the current sequence for the client
getPosition(segment) Alpha number Returns the current position of a segment, and -1 if the segment does not exist in this sequence
getPropertiesAtPosition(pos) Alpha PropertySet | undefined
getRangeExtentsOfPosition(pos) Alpha { posStart: number | undefined; posAfterEnd: number | undefined; }
groupOperation(groupOp) Deprecated, Alpha void
initializeLocal() Alpha void Initializes the object as a local, non-shared object. This object can become shared after it is attached to the document.
insertAtReferencePosition(pos, segment) Alpha void Inserts a segment directly before a ReferencePosition.
insertFromSpec(pos, spec) Alpha void Inserts a segment
localReferencePositionToPosition(lref) Alpha number

Resolves a ReferencePosition into a character position using this client's perspective.

Reference positions that point to a character that has been removed will always return the position of the nearest non-removed character, regardless of ReferenceType. To handle this case specifically, one may wish to look at the segment returned by ReferencePosition.getSegment.

obliterateRange(start, end) Alpha void Obliterate is similar to remove, but differs in that segments concurrently inserted into an obliterated range will also be removed
posFromRelativePos(relativePos) Alpha number Given a position specified relative to a marker id, lookup the marker and convert the position to a character position.
removeLocalReferencePosition(lref) Alpha LocalReferencePosition | undefined Removes a LocalReferencePosition from this SharedString.
removeRange(start, end) Alpha void
resolveRemoteClientPosition(remoteClientPosition, remoteClientRefSeq, remoteClientId) Alpha number | undefined Resolves a remote client's position against the local sequence and returns the remote client's position relative to the local sequence. The client ref seq must be above the minimum sequence number or the return value will be undefined. Generally this method is used in conjunction with signals which provide point in time values for the below parameters, and is useful for things like displaying user position. It should not be used with persisted values as persisted values will quickly become invalid as the remoteClientRefSeq moves below the minimum sequence number
walkSegments(handler, start, end, accum, splitRange) Alpha void

Walk the underlying segments of the sequence. The walked segments may extend beyond the range if the segments cross the ranges start or end boundaries.

Set split range to true to ensure only segments within the range are walked.

Method Details


Annotates the range with the provided properties

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


annotateRange(start: number, end: number, props: PropertySet): void;


Parameter Type Description
start number The inclusive start position of the range to annotate
end number The exclusive end position of the range to annotate
props PropertySet The properties to annotate the range with


Creates a LocalReferencePosition on this SharedString. If the refType does not include ReferenceType.Transient, the returned reference will be added to the localRefs on the provided segment.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


createLocalReferencePosition(segment: T, offset: number, refType: ReferenceType, properties: PropertySet | undefined, slidingPreference?: SlidingPreference, canSlideToEndpoint?: boolean): LocalReferencePosition;


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
segment T Segment to add the local reference on
offset number Offset on the segment at which to place the local reference
refType ReferenceType ReferenceType for the created local reference
properties PropertySet | undefined PropertySet to place on the created local reference
slidingPreference optional SlidingPreference
canSlideToEndpoint optional boolean


Return type: LocalReferencePosition


Finds the segment information (i.e. segment + offset) corresponding to a character position in the SharedString. If the position is past the end of the string, segment and offset on the returned object may be undefined.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


getContainingSegment(pos: number): {
        segment: T | undefined;
        offset: number | undefined;


Parameter Type Description
pos number Character position (index) into the current local view of the SharedString.


Return type: { segment: T | undefined; offset: number | undefined; }


This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


getCurrentSeq(): number;


The most recent sequence number which has been acked by the server and processed by this SharedSegmentSequence.

Return type: number


Retrieves the interval collection keyed on label. If no such interval collection exists, creates one.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


getIntervalCollection(label: string): IIntervalCollection<SequenceInterval>;


Parameter Type Description
label string


Return type: IIntervalCollection <SequenceInterval >


This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


getIntervalCollectionLabels(): IterableIterator<string>;


const iter = this.getIntervalCollectionKeys();
for (key of iter)
    const collection = this.getIntervalCollection(key);


An iterable object that enumerates the IntervalCollection labels.

Return type: IterableIterator<string>


Returns the length of the current sequence for the client

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


getLength(): number;


Return type: number


Returns the current position of a segment, and -1 if the segment does not exist in this sequence

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


getPosition(segment: ISegment): number;


Parameter Type Description
segment ISegment The segment to get the position of


Return type: number


This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


getPropertiesAtPosition(pos: number): PropertySet | undefined;


Parameter Type Description
pos number


Return type: PropertySet | undefined


This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


getRangeExtentsOfPosition(pos: number): {
        posStart: number | undefined;
        posAfterEnd: number | undefined;


Parameter Type Description
pos number


Return type: { posStart: number | undefined; posAfterEnd: number | undefined; }


This API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

The ability to create group ops will be removed in an upcoming release, as group ops are redundant with the native batching capabilities of the runtime

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


groupOperation(groupOp: IMergeTreeGroupMsg): void;


Parameter Type Description
groupOp IMergeTreeGroupMsg


Initializes the object as a local, non-shared object. This object can become shared after it is attached to the document.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


initializeLocal(): void;


Inserts a segment directly before a ReferencePosition.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


insertAtReferencePosition(pos: ReferencePosition, segment: T): void;


Parameter Type Description
pos ReferencePosition
segment T The segment to insert


Inserts a segment

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


insertFromSpec(pos: number, spec: IJSONSegment): void;


Parameter Type Description
pos number
spec IJSONSegment The segment to inserts spec


Resolves a ReferencePosition into a character position using this client’s perspective.

Reference positions that point to a character that has been removed will always return the position of the nearest non-removed character, regardless of ReferenceType. To handle this case specifically, one may wish to look at the segment returned by ReferencePosition.getSegment.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


localReferencePositionToPosition(lref: ReferencePosition): number;


Parameter Type Description
lref ReferencePosition


Return type: number


Obliterate is similar to remove, but differs in that segments concurrently inserted into an obliterated range will also be removed

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


obliterateRange(start: number, end: number): void;


Parameter Type Description
start number The inclusive start of the range to obliterate
end number The exclusive end of the range to obliterate


Given a position specified relative to a marker id, lookup the marker and convert the position to a character position.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


posFromRelativePos(relativePos: IRelativePosition): number;


Parameter Type Description
relativePos IRelativePosition Id of marker (may be indirect) and whether position is before or after marker.


Return type: number


Removes a LocalReferencePosition from this SharedString.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


removeLocalReferencePosition(lref: LocalReferencePosition): LocalReferencePosition | undefined;


Parameter Type Description
lref LocalReferencePosition


Return type: LocalReferencePosition | undefined


This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


removeRange(start: number, end: number): void;


Parameter Type Description
start number The inclusive start of the range to remove
end number The exclusive end of the range to remove


Resolves a remote client’s position against the local sequence and returns the remote client’s position relative to the local sequence. The client ref seq must be above the minimum sequence number or the return value will be undefined. Generally this method is used in conjunction with signals which provide point in time values for the below parameters, and is useful for things like displaying user position. It should not be used with persisted values as persisted values will quickly become invalid as the remoteClientRefSeq moves below the minimum sequence number

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


resolveRemoteClientPosition(remoteClientPosition: number, remoteClientRefSeq: number, remoteClientId: string): number | undefined;


Parameter Type Description
remoteClientPosition number The remote client's position to resolve
remoteClientRefSeq number The reference sequence number of the remote client
remoteClientId string The client id of the remote client


Return type: number | undefined


Walk the underlying segments of the sequence. The walked segments may extend beyond the range if the segments cross the ranges start or end boundaries.

Set split range to true to ensure only segments within the range are walked.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here .


walkSegments<TClientData>(handler: ISegmentAction<TClientData>, start?: number, end?: number, accum?: TClientData, splitRange?: boolean): void;
Type Parameters
Parameter Description


Parameter Modifiers Type Description
handler ISegmentAction<TClientData> The function to handle each segment. Traversal ends if this function returns true.
start optional number Optional. The start of range walk.
end optional number Optional. The end of range walk
accum optional TClientData Optional. An object that will be passed to the handler for accumulation
splitRange optional boolean Optional. Splits boundary segments on the range boundaries. Defaults to false.