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fluid-framework Package

Bundles a collection of Fluid Framework client libraries for easy use when paired with a corresponding service client package (e.g. @fluidframework/azure-client, @fluidframework/tinylicious-client, or @fluidframework/odsp-client (BETA)).


Interface Alerts Modifiers Description
BranchableTree Alpha sealed A "version control"-style branch of a SharedTree.
CommitMetadata sealed Information about a commit that has been applied.
ContainerSchema Declares the Fluid objects that will be available in the Container.
EncodeOptions Alpha Options for how to encode a tree.
FieldProps Additional information to provide to a FieldSchema.
FieldSchemaMetadata sealed Metadata associated with a FieldSchema.
FieldSchemaUnsafe Unenforced version of FieldSchema.
ForestOptions Alpha Configuration options for SharedTree's internal tree storage.
IBranchOrigin Legacy Branch origin information.
ICodecOptions Alpha Options relating to handling of persisted data.
IConnection Base interface for information for each connection made to the Fluid session.
IDirectory Legacy sealed Interface describing actions on a directory.
IDirectoryEvents Legacy sealed Events emitted in response to changes to the directory data.
IDirectoryValueChanged Legacy sealed Type of "valueChanged" event parameter for ISharedDirectory.
IDisposable sealed Base interface for objects that require lifetime management via explicit disposal.
IErrorBase Base interface for all errors and warnings emitted the container.
IErrorEvent Base interface for error event emitters.
IEvent Base interface for event emitters.
IEventProvider sealed Base interface for event providers.
IFluidContainer sealed Provides an entrypoint into the client side of collaborative Fluid data. Provides access to the data as well as status on the collaboration session.
IFluidContainerEvents sealed Events emitted from IFluidContainer.
IFluidHandle sealed Handle to a shared FluidObject.
IFluidHandleErased sealed A type erased Fluid Handle. These can only be produced by the Fluid Framework and provide the implementation details needed to power IFluidHandle.
IFluidLoadable sealed A shared FluidObject has a URL from which it can be referenced
IInterval Legacy Basic interval abstraction
IIntervalCollection Legacy Collection of intervals that supports addition, modification, removal, and efficient spatial querying. Changes to this collection will be incur updates on collaborating clients (i.e. they are not local-only).
IIntervalCollectionEvent Legacy Change events emitted by IntervalCollections
IMember Base interface to be implemented to fetch each service's member.
InternalTreeNode sealed A node type internal to @fluidframework/tree.
IntervalIndex Legacy

Collection of intervals.

Implementers of this interface will typically implement additional APIs to support efficiently querying a collection of intervals in some manner, for example: - "find all intervals with start endpoint between these two points" - "find all intervals which overlap this range" etc.

ISequencedDocumentMessage Legacy Sequenced message for a distributed document.
ISequenceDeltaRange Legacy A range that has changed corresponding to a segment modification.
ISerializableInterval Legacy
ISerializedInterval Legacy Serialized object representation of an interval. This representation is used for ops that create or change intervals.
IServiceAudience Base interface to be implemented to fetch each service's audience.
IServiceAudienceEvents Events that trigger when the roster of members in the Fluid session change.
ISharedDirectory Legacy sealed Provides a hierarchical organization of map-like data structures as SubDirectories. The values stored within can be accessed like a map, and the hierarchy can be navigated using path syntax. SubDirectories can be retrieved for use as working directories.
ISharedDirectoryEvents Legacy sealed Events emitted in response to changes to the directory data.
ISharedIntervalCollection Legacy
ISharedMap Legacy sealed The SharedMap distributed data structure can be used to store key-value pairs.
ISharedMapEvents Legacy sealed Events emitted in response to changes to the map data.
ISharedObject Legacy Base interface for shared objects from which other interfaces derive. Implemented by SharedObject
ISharedObjectEvents Legacy Events emitted by ISharedObject.
ISharedSegmentSequence Legacy
ISharedSegmentSequenceEvents Legacy Events emitted in response to changes to the sequence data.
ISharedString Legacy Fluid object interface describing access methods on a SharedString
ITelemetryBaseProperties JSON-serializable properties, which will be logged with telemetry.
ITrace Legacy Messages to track latency trace.
ITree sealed Channel for a Fluid Tree DDS.
ITreeConfigurationOptions Options when constructing a tree view.
ITreeViewConfiguration Property-bag configuration for TreeViewConfiguration construction.
IValueChanged Legacy sealed Type of "valueChanged" event parameter.
JsonArrayNodeSchema Alpha sealed JSON Schema for an array node.
JsonLeafNodeSchema Alpha sealed JSON Schema for a leaf node.
JsonMapNodeSchema Alpha sealed JSON Schema for a map node.
JsonNodeSchemaBase Alpha sealed Base interface for node schemas represented in JSON Schema format.
JsonObjectNodeSchema Alpha sealed JSON Schema for an object node.
JsonSchemaRef Alpha sealed Type entry containing a reference to a definition in the schema.
JsonValidator Alpha JSON schema validator compliant with draft 6 schema. See
Listenable sealed An object which allows the registration of listeners so that subscribers can be notified when an event happens.
MakeNominal sealed Use this as the type of a protected field to cause a type to use nominal typing instead of structural.
NodeChangedData Beta sealed Data included for nodeChanged.
NodeInDocumentConstraint A transaction constraint which requires that the given node exists in the tree.
ParseOptions Alpha Options for how to interpret a VerboseTree<TCustom> when schema information is available.
ReadonlyArrayNode System sealed

A covariant base type for TreeArrayNode.

This provides the readonly subset of TreeArrayNode functionality, and is used as the source interface for moves since that needs to be covariant.

Revertible sealed Allows reversion of a change made to SharedTree.
RunTransaction sealed A function which runs a transaction in a SharedTree.
SchemaCompatibilityStatus sealed

Information about a view schema's compatibility with the document's stored schema.

See SharedTree's README for more information about choosing a compatibility policy.

SchemaValidationFunction Alpha Validates data complies with some particular schema. Implementations are typically created by a JsonValidator.
SequenceDeltaEvent Legacy

The event object returned on sequenceDelta events.

The properties of this object and its sub-objects represent the state of the sequence at the point in time at which the operation was applied. They will not take into consideration any future modifications performed to the underlying sequence and merge tree.

For group ops, each op will get its own event, and the group op property will be set on the op args.

Ops may get multiple events. For instance, an insert-replace will get a remove then an insert event.

SequenceEvent Legacy

Base class for SequenceDeltaEvent and SequenceMaintenanceEvent.

The properties of this object and its sub-objects represent the state of the sequence at the point in time at which the operation was applied. They will not take into any future modifications performed to the underlying sequence and merge tree.

SequenceInterval Legacy Interval implementation whose ends are associated with positions in a mutatable sequence. As such, when content is inserted into the middle of the interval, the interval expands to include that content.
SequenceMaintenanceEvent Legacy

The event object returned on maintenance events.

The properties of this object and its sub-objects represent the state of the sequence at the point in time at which the operation was applied. They will not take into consideration any future modifications performed to the underlying sequence and merge tree.

SharedObjectKind sealed Defines a kind of shared object.
SharedTreeFormatOptions Alpha Options for configuring the persisted format SharedTree uses.

A property to be logged to telemetry may require a tag indicating the value may contain sensitive data. This type wraps a value of the given type V in an object along with a string tag (type can be further specified as T).

This indicates that the value should be organized or handled differently by loggers in various first or third party scenarios. For example, tags are used to mark data that should not be stored in logs for privacy reasons.

TreeArrayNode sealed A TreeNode which implements 'readonly T[]' and the array mutation APIs.
TreeArrayNodeUnsafe System sealed Unenforced version of TreeArrayNode.
TreeBranch Alpha sealed A collection of functionality associated with a (version-control-style) branch of a SharedTree.
TreeBranchEvents Alpha sealed Events for TreeBranch.
TreeBranchFork Alpha sealed A branch of a SharedTree that has merged from another branch.
TreeChangeEvents sealed A collection of events that can be emitted by a TreeNode.
TreeChangeEventsBeta Beta sealed Extensions to TreeChangeEvents which are not yet stable.
TreeMapNode sealed A map of string keys to tree objects.
TreeMapNodeUnsafe System sealed Unenforced version of TreeMapNode.
TreeNodeApi sealed Provides various functions for analyzing TreeNodes. *
TreeNodeSchemaClassUnsafe System Unenforced version of TreeNodeSchemaClass.
TreeNodeSchemaCore sealed Data common to all tree node schema.
TreeView sealed

An editable view of a (version control style) branch of a shared tree based on some schema.

This schema--known as the view schema--may or may not align the stored schema of the document. Information about discrepancies between the two schemas is available via compatibility.

Application authors are encouraged to read [](../../docs/user-facing/ and choose a schema compatibility policy that aligns with their application's needs.

TreeViewAlpha Alpha sealed TreeView with proposed changes to the schema aware typing to allow use with UnsafeUnknownSchema.
TreeViewEvents sealed Events for TreeView.
VerboseTreeNode Alpha Verbose encoding of a TreeNode.
ViewableTree System sealed A tree from which a TreeView can be created.
ViewContent Alpha The portion of SharedTree data typically persisted by the container. Usable with independentInitializedView(config, options, content) to create a TreeView without loading a container.
WithType sealed Adds a type symbol to a type for stronger typing.


Class Modifiers Description
ErasedType sealed Erased type which can be used to expose a opaque/erased version of a type without referencing the actual type.
FieldSchema sealed

All policy for a specific field, including functionality that does not have to be kept consistent across versions or deterministic.

This can include policy for how to use this schema for "view" purposes, and well as how to expose editing APIs. Use SchemaFactory to create the FieldSchema instances, for example optional(t, props).

IterableTreeArrayContent sealed Used to insert iterable content into a TreeArrayNode. Use (TreeArrayNode:variable).spread to create an instance of this type.
SchemaFactory sealed Creates various types of schema for TreeNodes.
TreeNode sealed A non-leaf SharedTree node. Includes objects, arrays, and maps.
TreeViewConfiguration sealed Configuration for viewWith(config).


Enum Alerts Description
AttachState The attachment state of some Fluid data (e.g. a container or data store), denoting whether it is uploaded to the service. The transition from detached to attached state is a one-way transition.
CommitKind The type of a commit. This is used to describe the context in which the commit was created.
ConnectionState The state of the Container's connection to the service.
FieldKind Kind of a field on a node.
FluidClientVersion Alpha Versions of Fluid Framework client packages.
ForestType Alpha Used to distinguish between different forest types.
IntervalType Legacy
NodeKind Kind of tree node.
RevertibleStatus The status of a Revertible.
TreeCompressionStrategy Alpha Selects which heuristics to use when encoding tree content. All encoding options here are compatible with the same decoder: the selection here does not impact compatibility.
TreeStatus Status of the tree that a particular node belongs to.


TypeAlias Alerts Modifiers Description
AllowedTypes System Types for use in fields.
ConciseTree Alpha Concise encoding of a TreeNode or TreeLeafValue.
ConnectionStateType Type defining the different states of connectivity a Container can be in.
ContainerAttachProps Represents properties that can be attached to a container.
DeserializeCallback Legacy
FactoryContent System Content which can be used to build a node.
FactoryContentObject System Record-like object which can be used to build some kinds of nodes.
FixRecursiveArraySchema Alpha Workaround for fixing errors resulting from an issue with recursive ArrayNode schema exports.

This utility type take interface(s) that follow the FluidObject pattern, and produces a new type that can be used for inspection and discovery of those interfaces.

It is meant to be used with types that are known to implement the FluidObject pattern. A common way to specify a type implements the FluidObject pattern is to expose it as a FluidObject without a generic argument.

FluidObjectProviderKeys Produces a valid FluidObject key given a type and a property.
ICriticalContainerError Represents errors raised on container.
IEventThisPlaceHolder The placeholder type that should be used instead of this in events.
IEventTransformer This type is a conditional type for transforming all the overloads provided in TEvent.
ImplicitAllowedTypes Types of TreeNodes or TreeLeafValues allowed at a location in a tree.
ImplicitFieldSchema Schema for a field of a tree node.
InitialObjects Extract the type of 'initialObjects' from the given ContainerSchema type.
Input System

This type exists only to be linked from documentation to provide a single linkable place to document some details of "Input" types and how they handle schema.

When a schema is used to describe data which is an input into an API, the API is [contravariant]( over the schema. (See also, [TypeScript Variance Annotations](

Since these schema are expressed using TypeScript types, it is possible for the user of the API to provide non-exact values of these types which has implications that depended on the variance.

Consider a field with schema type of A | B (where A and B are types of schema).

- Reading the field behaves covariantly so NodeFromSchema of <A | B> is the same as NodeFromSchema<A> | NodeFromSchema<B>, indicating that either type of node can be read from the field. - Writing to the field behaves contravariantly. Since it is unknown if the node actually has a schema A or a schema B, the only legal values (known to be in schema regardless of which schema the underlying node has) are values which are legal for both A & B.

Note that this is distinct from the case where the schema is [A, B]. In this case it is known that the field allows both A and B (the field can be set to an A or a B value). When A | B is used, the field might allow A but not B (so assigning a B value would be out of schema), B but not A (so assigning an A value would be out of schema) or both A and B.

This gets more extreme when given completely unspecified schema. For example if a field is just provided ImplicitFieldSchema, nothing is known about the content of the field. This means that reading the field (via TreeFieldFromImplicitField) can give any valid tree field content, but there are no safe values which could be written to the field (since it is unknown what values would be out of schema) so InsertableTreeFieldFromImplicitField gives never.

To implement this variance correctly, the computation of types for input and output have to use separate utilities which take very different approaches when encountering non-exact schema like unions or ImplicitFieldSchema. The utilities which behave contravariantly (as required to handle input correctly) link this documentation to indicate that this is how they behave.

In addition to behaving contravariantly, these input type computation utilities often have further limitations. This is due to TypeScript making it difficult to implement this contravariance exactly. When faced with these implementation limitations these contravariant type computation utilities error on the side of producing overly strict requirements. For example in the above case of A | B, the utilities might compute an allowed insertable type as never even if there happens to be a common value accepted by both A and B. Future versions of the API can relax these requirements as the type computations are made more accurate.

For a more concrete example: if InsertableTreeFieldFromImplicitField produced never for a schema A | OptionalField<A>, a future version could instead return a more flexible but still safe type, like A.

More generally: try to avoid providing non-exact schema, especially for the fields of other schema. While these APIs attempt to handle such cases correctly, there are limitations and known bugs in this handling. Code using non-exact schema is much more likely to have its compilation break due to updates of this package or even TypeScript, and thus compilation breaks due to edge cases of non-exact schema handling, especially with recursive schema, are not considered breaking changes. This may change as the API become more stable.

Insertable Alpha Content which could be inserted into a tree.
InsertableContent System Content which can be inserted into a tree.
InsertableField Alpha Content which could be inserted into a field within a tree.
InsertableObjectFromSchemaRecordUnsafe System Unenforced version of InsertableObjectFromSchemaRecord.
InsertableTreeFieldFromImplicitField Type of content that can be inserted into the tree for a field of the given schema.
InsertableTreeFieldFromImplicitFieldUnsafe System Unenforced version of InsertableTreeFieldFromImplicitField.
InsertableTreeNodeFromAllowedTypes System Type of content that can be inserted into the tree for a node of the given schema.
InsertableTreeNodeFromAllowedTypesUnsafe System Unenforced version of InsertableTreeNodeFromAllowedTypes.
InsertableTreeNodeFromImplicitAllowedTypes Type of content that can be inserted into the tree for a node of the given schema.
InsertableTreeNodeFromImplicitAllowedTypesUnsafe System Unenforced version of InsertableTreeNodeFromImplicitAllowedTypes.
InsertableTypedNode Data which can be used as a node to be inserted. Either an unhydrated node, or content to build a new node.
IntervalStickiness Legacy

Determines how an interval should expand when segments are inserted adjacent to the range it spans

Note that interval stickiness is currently an experimental feature and must be explicitly enabled with the intervalStickinessEnabled flag

IsListener true iff the given type is an acceptable shape for a event listener
IsUnion System Returns true if T is a union and false if it is not.
JsonCompatible Alpha Use for Json compatible data.
JsonCompatibleObject Alpha Use for Json object compatible data.
JsonFieldSchema Alpha sealed JSON Schema representation of a FieldSchema.
JsonLeafSchemaType Alpha JSON primitive types.
JsonNodeSchema Alpha JSON Schema representation of a TreeNodeSchema.
JsonRefPath Alpha Reference string pointing to a definition in the schema. Should be the fully-qualified identifier.
JsonSchemaId Alpha The fully-qualified identifier.
JsonSchemaType Alpha JSON entity type.
JsonTreeSchema Alpha sealed JSON Schema representation of a tree schema.
LazyItem An "eager" or "lazy" Item in a FlexList. Lazy items are wrapped in a function to allow referring to themselves before they are declared. This makes recursive and co-recursive items possible.
Listeners Used to specify the kinds of events emitted by a Listenable.
MapNodeInsertableData System Content which can be used to construct a Map node, explicitly or implicitly.
MemberChangedListener Signature for IMember change events.
Myself An extended member object that includes currentConnection
NodeFromSchema Takes in TreeNodeSchema[] and returns a TypedNode union.
Off A function that, when called, will deregister an event listener subscription that was previously registered.
PopUnion System Gets the first item of a union type.
ReadableField System Content which could be read from a field within a tree.
ReadSchema System Adapter to remove UnsafeUnknownSchema from a schema type so it can be used with types for generating APIs for reading data.
ReplaceIEventThisPlaceHolder Does the type replacement by changing types of IEventThisPlaceHolder to TThis
RestrictiveReadonlyRecord Deprecated Alternative to the built in Record type which does not permit unexpected members, and is readonly.
RestrictiveStringRecord System Alternative to the built-in Record<string, T> type which is readonly and does not permit symbols.
RevertibleFactory sealed Factory for creating a Revertible. Will error if invoked outside the scope of the changed event that provides it, or if invoked multiple times.
SharedDirectory Legacy Entrypoint for ISharedDirectory creation.
SharedMap Legacy Entrypoint for ISharedMap creation.
SharedString Legacy Alias for ISharedString for compatibility.
SharedStringSegment Legacy
SharedTreeFormatVersion Alpha

Format versions supported by SharedTree.

Each version documents a required minimum version of the \@fluidframework/tree package.

SharedTreeOptions Alpha Configuration options for SharedTree.
TelemetryBaseEventPropertyType Property types that can be logged.
TransactionConstraint A requirement for a SharedTree transaction to succeed.
TransformedEvent Transforms the event overload by replacing IEventThisPlaceHolder with TThis in the event listener arguments and having the overload return TTHis as well
TreeFieldFromImplicitField Converts an ImplicitFieldSchema to a property type suitable for reading a field with this that schema.
TreeLeafValue Value that may be stored as a leaf node.
TreeNodeFromImplicitAllowedTypes Type of tree node for a field of the given schema.
TreeNodeSchema sealed Schema for a TreeNode or TreeLeafValue.
TreeNodeSchemaClass sealed Tree node schema which is implemented using a class.
TreeNodeSchemaNonClass System sealed Schema which is not a class.
TreeObjectNode A TreeNode which modules a JavaScript object.
TreeObjectNodeUnsafe System Unenforced version of TreeObjectNode.

A placeholder to use in extends constraints when using the real type breaks compilation of some recursive types due to a design limitation of TypeScript.

These extends constraints only serve as documentation: to avoid breaking compilation, this type has to not actually enforce anything, and thus is just unknown. Therefore the type safety is the responsibility of the user of the API.


Type alias to document which values are un-hydrated.

Un-hydrated values are nodes produced from schema's create functions that haven't been inserted into a tree yet.

Since un-hydrated nodes become hydrated when inserted, strong typing can't be used to distinguish them. This no-op wrapper is used instead.

UnionToIntersection System Convert a union of types to an intersection of those types. Useful for TransformEvents.
UnionToTuple Alpha Converts a union type to a tuple type.
UnsafeUnknownSchema Alpha A special type which can be provided to some APIs as the schema type parameter when schema cannot easily be provided at compile time and an unsafe (instead of disabled) editing API is desired.
ValidateRecursiveSchema Compile time check for validity of a recursive schema.
VerboseTree Alpha Verbose encoding of a TreeNode or TreeLeafValue.


Function Alerts Return Type Description
adaptEnum(factory, members) Alpha (<TValue extends TEnum[keyof TEnum]>(value: TValue) => TValue extends unknown ? TreeNode & { readonly value: TValue; } : never) & { readonly [Property in keyof TEnum]: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, TEnum[Property]>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & { readonly value: TEnum[Property]; }, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>; } & { readonly schema: UnionToTuple<{ readonly [Property in keyof TEnum]: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, TEnum[Property]>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & { readonly value: TEnum[Property]; }, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>; }[keyof TEnum]>; } Converts an enum into a collection of schema which can be used in a union.
asTreeViewAlpha(view) Alpha TreeViewAlpha<TSchema> Retrieve the alpha API for a TreeView.
comparePersistedSchema(persisted, view, options, canInitialize) Alpha SchemaCompatibilityStatus Compares two schema extracted using extractPersistedSchema(schema). Reports the same compatibility that compatibility would report if opening a document that used the persisted schema and provided view to viewWith(config).
configuredSharedTree(options) Alpha SharedObjectKind<ITree> SharedTree but allowing a non-default configuration.
enumFromStrings(factory, members) Alpha (<TValue extends Members[number]>(value: TValue) => TValue extends unknown ? TreeNode & { readonly value: TValue; } : never) & { [Index in Extract<keyof Members, `${number}`> extends `${infer N extends number}` ? N : never as Members[Index]]: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, Members[Index]>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & { readonly value: Members[Index]; }, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>; } & { readonly schema: UnionToTuple<Members[number] extends unknown ? { [Index in Extract<keyof Members, `${number}`> extends `${infer N extends number}` ? N : never as Members[Index]]: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, Members[Index]>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & { readonly value: Members[Index]; }, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>; }[Members[number]] : never>; } Converts an array of distinct strings into a collection of schema which can be used like an enum style union.
extractPersistedSchema(schema) Alpha JsonCompatible Dumps the "persisted" schema subset of the provided schema into a deterministic JSON-compatible, semi-human-readable, but unspecified format.
getBranch(tree) Deprecated, Alpha BranchableTree Get a BranchableTree from a ITree.
getBranch(view) Deprecated, Alpha BranchableTree Get a BranchableTree from a TreeView.
getJsonSchema(schema) Alpha JsonTreeSchema Creates a JSON Schema representation of the provided TreeNodeSchema.
independentInitializedView(config, options, content) Alpha TreeViewAlpha<TSchema> Create an initialized TreeView that is not tied to any ITree instance.
independentView(config, options) Alpha TreeViewAlpha<TSchema> Create an uninitialized TreeView that is not tied to any ITree instance.
isFluidHandle(value) value is IFluidHandle Check if a value is an @fluidframework/core-interfaces#IFluidHandle.
singletonSchema(factory, name) Alpha TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, TName>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & { readonly value: TName; }, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined> Create a schema for a node with no state.


Variable Alerts Modifiers Type Description
IFluidHandle readonly
IFluidLoadable readonly keyof IProvideFluidLoadable
IntervalStickiness Legacy readonly { readonly NONE: 0; readonly START: 1; readonly END: 2; readonly FULL: 3; }

Determines how an interval should expand when segments are inserted adjacent to the range it spans

Note that interval stickiness is currently an experimental feature and must be explicitly enabled with the intervalStickinessEnabled flag

noopValidator Alpha readonly JsonValidator A JsonValidator implementation which performs no validation and accepts all data as valid.
rollback readonly unique symbol A special object that signifies when a SharedTree transaction should "roll back".
SharedDirectory Legacy readonly import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").ISharedObjectKind<ISharedDirectory> & import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").SharedObjectKind<ISharedDirectory> Entrypoint for ISharedDirectory creation.
SharedMap Legacy readonly import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").ISharedObjectKind<ISharedMap> & import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").SharedObjectKind<ISharedMap> Entrypoint for ISharedMap creation.
SharedString Legacy readonly import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").ISharedObjectKind<ISharedString> & import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").SharedObjectKind<ISharedString> Entrypoint for ISharedString creation.
SharedTree readonly SharedObjectKind<ITree> A hierarchical data structure for collaboratively editing strongly typed JSON-like trees of objects, arrays, and other data types.
SharedTreeFormatVersion Alpha readonly { readonly v1: 1; readonly v2: 2; readonly v3: 3; }

Format versions supported by SharedTree.

Each version documents a required minimum version of the \@fluidframework/tree package.

Tree readonly TreeApi The Tree object holds various functions for interacting with TreeNodes.
TreeAlpha Alpha readonly, sealed { branch(node: TreeNode): TreeBranch | undefined; create<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema | UnsafeUnknownSchema>(schema: UnsafeUnknownSchema extends TSchema ? ImplicitFieldSchema : TSchema & ImplicitFieldSchema, data: InsertableField<TSchema>): Unhydrated<TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema ? TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema> : TreeNode | TreeLeafValue | undefined>; importConcise<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema | UnsafeUnknownSchema>(schema: UnsafeUnknownSchema extends TSchema ? ImplicitFieldSchema : TSchema & ImplicitFieldSchema, data: ConciseTree | undefined): Unhydrated<TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema ? TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema> : TreeNode | TreeLeafValue | undefined>; importVerbose<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema>(schema: TSchema, data: VerboseTree | undefined, options?: Partial<ParseOptions<IFluidHandle>>): Unhydrated<TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>>; importVerbose<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema, THandle>(schema: TSchema, data: VerboseTree<THandle> | undefined, options: ParseOptions<THandle>): Unhydrated<TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>>; exportConcise(node: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options?: Partial<EncodeOptions<IFluidHandle>>): ConciseTree; exportConcise<THandle>(node: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options: EncodeOptions<THandle>): ConciseTree<THandle>; exportVerbose(node: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options?: Partial<EncodeOptions<IFluidHandle>>): VerboseTree; exportVerbose<T>(node: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options: EncodeOptions<T>): VerboseTree<T>; exportCompressed(tree: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options: { oldestCompatibleClient: FluidClientVersion; idCompressor?: IIdCompressor; }): JsonCompatible<IFluidHandle>; importCompressed<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema>(schema: TSchema, compressedData: JsonCompatible<IFluidHandle>, options: { idCompressor?: IIdCompressor; } & ICodecOptions): Unhydrated<TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>>; } Extensions to Tree and TreeBeta which are not yet stable.
TreeArrayNode readonly { readonly spread: <T>(content: Iterable<T>) => IterableTreeArrayContent<T>; } A TreeNode which implements 'readonly T[]' and the array mutation APIs.
TreeBeta Beta readonly, sealed { on<K extends keyof TreeChangeEventsBeta<TNode>, TNode extends TreeNode>(node: TNode, eventName: K, listener: NoInfer<TreeChangeEventsBeta<TNode>[K]>): () => void; clone<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema>(node: TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>): TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>; } Extensions to Tree which are not yet stable.
typeboxValidator Alpha readonly JsonValidator A JsonValidator implementation which uses TypeBox's JSON schema validator.
typeSchemaSymbol System readonly unique symbol The type of a TreeNode. For more information about the type, use Tree.schema(theNode) instead.
UnsafeUnknownSchema Alpha readonly unique symbol A special type which can be provided to some APIs as the schema type parameter when schema cannot easily be provided at compile time and an unsafe (instead of disabled) editing API is desired.


Namespace Description
ConnectionStateType Namespace for the different connection states a container can be in. PLEASE NOTE: The sequence of the numerical values does no correspond to the typical connection state progression.

Function Details


Converts an enum into a collection of schema which can be used in a union.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function adaptEnum<TScope extends string, const TEnum extends Record<string, string | number>>(factory: SchemaFactory<TScope>, members: TEnum): (<TValue extends TEnum[keyof TEnum]>(value: TValue) => TValue extends unknown ? TreeNode & {
readonly value: TValue;
} : never) & { readonly [Property in keyof TEnum]: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, TEnum[Property]>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & {
readonly value: TEnum[Property];
}, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>; } & {
readonly schema: UnionToTuple<{ readonly [Property in keyof TEnum]: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, TEnum[Property]>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & {
readonly value: TEnum[Property];
}, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>; }[keyof TEnum]>;
Type Parameters
Parameter Constraint Description
TScope string
TEnum Record<string, string | number>


The string value of the enum is used as the name of the schema: callers must ensure that it is stable and unique. Numeric enums values have the value implicitly converted into a string. Consider making a dedicated schema factory with a nested scope to avoid the enum members colliding with other schema.


const schemaFactory = new SchemaFactory("com.myApp");
// An enum for use in the tree. Must have string keys.
enum Mode {
a = "A",
b = "B",
// Define the schema for each member of the enum using a nested scope to group them together.
const ModeNodes = adaptEnum(new SchemaFactory(`${schemaFactory.scope}.Mode`), Mode);
// Defined the types of the nodes which correspond to this the schema.
type ModeNodes = TreeNodeFromImplicitAllowedTypes<(typeof ModeNodes.schema)>;
// An example schema which has an enum as a child.
class Parent extends schemaFactory.object("Parent", {
// adaptEnum's return value has a ".schema" property can be use as an `AllowedTypes` array allowing any of the members of the enum.
mode: ModeNodes.schema,
}) {}
// Example usage of enum based nodes, showing what type to use and that `.value` can be used to read out the enum value.
function getValue(node: ModeNodes): Mode {
return node.value;
// Example constructing a tree containing an enum node from an enum value.
// The syntax `new ModeNodes.a()` is also supported.
function setValue(node: Parent): void {
node.mode = ModeNodes(Mode.a);


Parameter Type Description
factory SchemaFactory<TScope>
members TEnum


Return type: (<TValue extends TEnum[keyof TEnum]>(value: TValue) => TValue extends unknown ? TreeNode & { readonly value: TValue; } : never) & { readonly [Property in keyof TEnum]: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, TEnum[Property]>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & { readonly value: TEnum[Property]; }, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>; } & { readonly schema: UnionToTuple<{ readonly [Property in keyof TEnum]: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, TEnum[Property]>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & { readonly value: TEnum[Property]; }, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>; }[keyof TEnum]>; }

See Also

enumFromStrings(factory, members) for a similar function that works on arrays of strings instead of an enum.


Retrieve the alpha API for a TreeView.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function asTreeViewAlpha<TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema>(view: TreeView<TSchema>): TreeViewAlpha<TSchema>;
Type Parameters
Parameter Constraint Description
TSchema ImplicitFieldSchema


Parameter Type Description
view TreeView<TSchema>


Return type: TreeViewAlpha<TSchema>


Compares two schema extracted using extractPersistedSchema(schema). Reports the same compatibility that compatibility would report if opening a document that used the persisted schema and provided view to viewWith(config).

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function comparePersistedSchema(persisted: JsonCompatible, view: JsonCompatible, options: ICodecOptions, canInitialize: boolean): SchemaCompatibilityStatus;


This uses the persisted formats for schema, meaning it only includes data which impacts compatibility. It also uses the persisted format so that this API can be used in tests to compare against saved schema from previous versions of the application.


An application could use extractPersistedSchema(schema) to generate a schema.json file for various versions of the app, then test that documents using those schema can be upgraded to work with the current schema using a test like:

{ jsonValidator: typeboxValidator },


Parameter Type Description
persisted JsonCompatible Schema persisted for a document. Typically persisted alongside the data and assumed to describe that data.
view JsonCompatible Schema which would be used to view persisted content. Use extractPersistedSchema(schema) to convert the view schema into this format.
options ICodecOptions ICodecOptions used when parsing the provided schema.
canInitialize boolean Passed through to the return value unchanged and otherwise unused.


The SchemaCompatibilityStatus a TreeView would report for this combination of schema.

Return type: SchemaCompatibilityStatus


SharedTree but allowing a non-default configuration.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function configuredSharedTree(options: SharedTreeOptions): SharedObjectKind<ITree>;


This is useful for debugging and testing to opt into extra validation or see if opting out of some optimizations fixes an issue.


import {
} from "@fluid-framework/alpha";
const SharedTree = configuredSharedTree({
forest: ForestType.Reference,
jsonValidator: typeboxValidator,
treeEncodeType: TreeCompressionStrategy.Uncompressed,


Parameter Type Description
options SharedTreeOptions


Return type: SharedObjectKind<ITree>


Converts an array of distinct strings into a collection of schema which can be used like an enum style union.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function enumFromStrings<TScope extends string, const Members extends readonly string[]>(factory: SchemaFactory<TScope>, members: Members): (<TValue extends Members[number]>(value: TValue) => TValue extends unknown ? TreeNode & {
readonly value: TValue;
} : never) & { [Index in Extract<keyof Members, `${number}`> extends `${infer N extends number}` ? N : never as Members[Index]]: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, Members[Index]>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & {
readonly value: Members[Index];
}, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>; } & {
readonly schema: UnionToTuple<Members[number] extends unknown ? { [Index in Extract<keyof Members, `${number}`> extends `${infer N extends number}` ? N : never as Members[Index]]: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, Members[Index]>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & {
readonly value: Members[Index];
}, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>; }[Members[number]] : never>;
Type Parameters
Parameter Constraint Description
TScope string
Members readonly string[]


The returned collection is also a function which can be used to convert strings into Unhydrated nodes in the union. Each node type has a .value getter which returns the associated string.

The produced nodes use the provided strings as their name, and don't store any data beyond that.


const schemaFactory = new SchemaFactory("com.myApp");
const Mode = enumFromStrings(schemaFactory, ["Fun", "Cool"]);
type Mode = TreeNodeFromImplicitAllowedTypes<typeof Mode.schema>;
const nodeFromString: Mode = Mode("Fun");
const nodeFromSchema: Mode = new Mode.Fun();
// Schema nodes have a strongly typed `.value` property.
const nameFromNode: "Fun" | "Cool" = nodeFromSchema.value;
class Parent extends schemaFactory.object("Parent", { mode: Mode.schema }) {}


Parameter Type Description
factory SchemaFactory<TScope>
members Members


Return type: (<TValue extends Members[number]>(value: TValue) => TValue extends unknown ? TreeNode & { readonly value: TValue; } : never) & { [Index in Extract<keyof Members, `${number}`> extends `${infer N extends number}` ? N : never as Members[Index]]: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, Members[Index]>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & { readonly value: Members[Index]; }, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>; } & { readonly schema: UnionToTuple<Members[number] extends unknown ? { [Index in Extract<keyof Members, `${number}`> extends `${infer N extends number}` ? N : never as Members[Index]]: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, Members[Index]>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & { readonly value: Members[Index]; }, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>; }[Members[number]] : never>; }

See Also

adaptEnum(factory, members) for a similar function that works on enums instead of arrays of strings.


Dumps the "persisted" schema subset of the provided schema into a deterministic JSON-compatible, semi-human-readable, but unspecified format.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function extractPersistedSchema(schema: ImplicitFieldSchema): JsonCompatible;


This can be used to help inspect schema for debugging, and to save a snapshot of schema to help detect and review changes to an applications schema.

This format may change across major versions of this package: such changes are considered breaking. Beyond that, no compatibility guarantee is provided for this format: it should never be relied upon to load data, it should only be used for comparing outputs from this function.

This only includes the "persisted" subset of schema information, which means the portion which gets included in documents. It thus uses "persisted" keys, see key.

If two schema have identical "persisted" schema, then they are considered equivalent.

See also comparePersistedSchema(persisted, view, options, canInitialize).


An application could use this API to generate a schema.json file when it first releases, then test that the schema is sill compatible with documents from that version with a test like :

assert.deepEqual(extractPersistedSchema(MySchema), require("./schema.json"));


Parameter Type Description
schema ImplicitFieldSchema


Return type: JsonCompatible


Get a BranchableTree from a ITree.

This API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

This API is superseded by TreeBranch, which should be used instead.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function getBranch(tree: ITree): BranchableTree;


The branch can be used for "version control"-style coordination of edits on the tree.


Parameter Type Description
tree ITree


Return type: BranchableTree


Get a BranchableTree from a TreeView.

This API is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.

This API is superseded by TreeBranch, which should be used instead.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function getBranch<T extends ImplicitFieldSchema | UnsafeUnknownSchema>(view: TreeViewAlpha<T>): BranchableTree;
Type Parameters
Parameter Constraint Description
T ImplicitFieldSchema | UnsafeUnknownSchema


The branch can be used for "version control"-style coordination of edits on the tree. Branches are currently an unstable "alpha" API and are subject to change in the future.


Parameter Type Description
view TreeViewAlpha<T>


Return type: BranchableTree


Creates a JSON Schema representation of the provided TreeNodeSchema.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function getJsonSchema(schema: ImplicitFieldSchema): JsonTreeSchema;


Useful when communicating the schema to external libraries or services. Caches the result for future calls.


A Shared Tree schema like the following:

class MyObject extends schemaFactory.object("MyObject", {
foo: schemaFactory.number,
bar: schemaFactory.optional(schemaFactory.string),

Will yield JSON Schema like the following:

"$defs": {
"com.fluidframework.leaf.string": {
"type": "string",
"com.fluidframework.leaf.number": {
"type": "number",
"com.myapp.MyObject": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"foo": { "$ref": "com.fluidframework.leaf.number" },
"bar": { "$ref": "com.fluidframework.leaf.string" },
"required": ["foo"],
"$ref": "#/$defs/com.myapp.MyObject",


Parameter Type Description
schema ImplicitFieldSchema


Return type: JsonTreeSchema


Create an initialized TreeView that is not tied to any ITree instance.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function independentInitializedView<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema>(config: TreeViewConfiguration<TSchema>, options: ForestOptions & ICodecOptions, content: ViewContent): TreeViewAlpha<TSchema>;
Type Parameters
Parameter Constraint Description
TSchema ImplicitFieldSchema


Such a view can never experience collaboration or be persisted to to a Fluid Container.

This can be useful for testing, as well as use-cases like working on local files instead of documents stored in some Fluid service.


Parameter Type Description
config TreeViewConfiguration<TSchema>
options ForestOptions & ICodecOptions
content ViewContent


Return type: TreeViewAlpha<TSchema>


Create an uninitialized TreeView that is not tied to any ITree instance.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function independentView<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema>(config: TreeViewConfiguration<TSchema>, options: ForestOptions & {
idCompressor?: IIdCompressor | undefined;
}): TreeViewAlpha<TSchema>;
Type Parameters
Parameter Constraint Description
TSchema ImplicitFieldSchema


Such a view can never experience collaboration or be persisted to to a Fluid Container.

This can be useful for testing, as well as use-cases like working on local files instead of documents stored in some Fluid service.


Parameter Type Description
config TreeViewConfiguration<TSchema>
options ForestOptions & { idCompressor?: IIdCompressor | undefined; }


Return type: TreeViewAlpha<TSchema>


Check if a value is an @fluidframework/core-interfaces#IFluidHandle.


export declare function isFluidHandle(value: unknown): value is IFluidHandle;


Objects which have a field named IFluidHandle can in some cases produce a false positive.


Parameter Type Description
value unknown


Return type: value is IFluidHandle


Create a schema for a node with no state.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


export declare function singletonSchema<TScope extends string, TName extends string | number>(factory: SchemaFactory<TScope, TName>, name: TName): TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, TName>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & {
readonly value: TName;
}, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>;
Type Parameters
Parameter Constraint Description
TScope string
TName string | number


This is commonly used in unions when the only information needed is which kind of node the value is. Enums are a common example of this pattern.


Parameter Type Description
factory SchemaFactory<TScope, TName>
name TName


Return type: TreeNodeSchemaClass<ScopedSchemaName<TScope, TName>, NodeKind.Object, TreeNode & { readonly value: TName; }, Record<string, never>, true, Record<string, never>, undefined>

See Also

adaptEnum(factory, members)

Variable Details



IFluidHandle = "IFluidHandle"



IFluidLoadable: keyof IProvideFluidLoadable

Type: keyof IProvideFluidLoadable


Determines how an interval should expand when segments are inserted adjacent to the range it spans

Note that interval stickiness is currently an experimental feature and must be explicitly enabled with the intervalStickinessEnabled flag

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via fluid-framework/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


IntervalStickiness: {
readonly NONE: 0;
readonly START: 1;
readonly END: 2;
readonly FULL: 3;

Type: { readonly NONE: 0; readonly START: 1; readonly END: 2; readonly FULL: 3; }


A JsonValidator implementation which performs no validation and accepts all data as valid.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


noopValidator: JsonValidator

Type: JsonValidator


A special object that signifies when a SharedTree transaction should "roll back".


rollback: unique symbol

Type: unique symbol


Entrypoint for ISharedDirectory creation.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via fluid-framework/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


SharedDirectory: import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").ISharedObjectKind<ISharedDirectory> & import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").SharedObjectKind<ISharedDirectory>

Type: import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").ISharedObjectKind<ISharedDirectory> & import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").SharedObjectKind<ISharedDirectory>


Entrypoint for ISharedMap creation.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via fluid-framework/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


SharedMap: import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").ISharedObjectKind<ISharedMap> & import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").SharedObjectKind<ISharedMap>

Type: import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").ISharedObjectKind<ISharedMap> & import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").SharedObjectKind<ISharedMap>


Entrypoint for ISharedString creation.

This API is provided for existing users, but is not recommended for new users.

To use, import via fluid-framework/legacy.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


SharedString: import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").ISharedObjectKind<ISharedString> & import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").SharedObjectKind<ISharedString>

Type: import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").ISharedObjectKind<ISharedString> & import("@fluidframework/shared-object-base/internal").SharedObjectKind<ISharedString>


A hierarchical data structure for collaboratively editing strongly typed JSON-like trees of objects, arrays, and other data types.


SharedTree: SharedObjectKind<ITree>

Type: SharedObjectKind<ITree>


Format versions supported by SharedTree.

Each version documents a required minimum version of the @fluidframework/tree package.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


SharedTreeFormatVersion: {
readonly v1: 1;
readonly v2: 2;
readonly v3: 3;

Type: { readonly v1: 1; readonly v2: 2; readonly v3: 3; }


The Tree object holds various functions for interacting with TreeNodes.


treeApi: TreeApi

Type: TreeApi


Extensions to Tree and TreeBeta which are not yet stable.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


/** @sealed */
TreeAlpha: {
branch(node: TreeNode): TreeBranch | undefined;
create<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema | UnsafeUnknownSchema>(schema: UnsafeUnknownSchema extends TSchema ? ImplicitFieldSchema : TSchema & ImplicitFieldSchema, data: InsertableField<TSchema>): Unhydrated<TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema ? TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema> : TreeNode | TreeLeafValue | undefined>;
importConcise<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema | UnsafeUnknownSchema>(schema: UnsafeUnknownSchema extends TSchema ? ImplicitFieldSchema : TSchema & ImplicitFieldSchema, data: ConciseTree | undefined): Unhydrated<TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema ? TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema> : TreeNode | TreeLeafValue | undefined>;
importVerbose<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema>(schema: TSchema, data: VerboseTree | undefined, options?: Partial<ParseOptions<IFluidHandle>>): Unhydrated<TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>>;
importVerbose<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema, THandle>(schema: TSchema, data: VerboseTree<THandle> | undefined, options: ParseOptions<THandle>): Unhydrated<TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>>;
exportConcise(node: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options?: Partial<EncodeOptions<IFluidHandle>>): ConciseTree;
exportConcise<THandle>(node: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options: EncodeOptions<THandle>): ConciseTree<THandle>;
exportVerbose(node: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options?: Partial<EncodeOptions<IFluidHandle>>): VerboseTree;
exportVerbose<T>(node: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options: EncodeOptions<T>): VerboseTree<T>;
exportCompressed(tree: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options: {
oldestCompatibleClient: FluidClientVersion;
idCompressor?: IIdCompressor;
}): JsonCompatible<IFluidHandle>;
importCompressed<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema>(schema: TSchema, compressedData: JsonCompatible<IFluidHandle>, options: {
idCompressor?: IIdCompressor;
} & ICodecOptions): Unhydrated<TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>>;

Type: { branch(node: TreeNode): TreeBranch | undefined; create<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema | UnsafeUnknownSchema>(schema: UnsafeUnknownSchema extends TSchema ? ImplicitFieldSchema : TSchema & ImplicitFieldSchema, data: InsertableField<TSchema>): Unhydrated<TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema ? TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema> : TreeNode | TreeLeafValue | undefined>; importConcise<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema | UnsafeUnknownSchema>(schema: UnsafeUnknownSchema extends TSchema ? ImplicitFieldSchema : TSchema & ImplicitFieldSchema, data: ConciseTree | undefined): Unhydrated<TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema ? TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema> : TreeNode | TreeLeafValue | undefined>; importVerbose<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema>(schema: TSchema, data: VerboseTree | undefined, options?: Partial<ParseOptions<IFluidHandle>>): Unhydrated<TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>>; importVerbose<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema, THandle>(schema: TSchema, data: VerboseTree<THandle> | undefined, options: ParseOptions<THandle>): Unhydrated<TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>>; exportConcise(node: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options?: Partial<EncodeOptions<IFluidHandle>>): ConciseTree; exportConcise<THandle>(node: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options: EncodeOptions<THandle>): ConciseTree<THandle>; exportVerbose(node: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options?: Partial<EncodeOptions<IFluidHandle>>): VerboseTree; exportVerbose<T>(node: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options: EncodeOptions<T>): VerboseTree<T>; exportCompressed(tree: TreeNode | TreeLeafValue, options: { oldestCompatibleClient: FluidClientVersion; idCompressor?: IIdCompressor; }): JsonCompatible<IFluidHandle>; importCompressed<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema>(schema: TSchema, compressedData: JsonCompatible<IFluidHandle>, options: { idCompressor?: IIdCompressor; } & ICodecOptions): Unhydrated<TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>>; }


A TreeNode which implements 'readonly T[]' and the array mutation APIs.


TreeArrayNode: {
readonly spread: <T>(content: Iterable<T>) => IterableTreeArrayContent<T>;

Type: { readonly spread: <T>(content: Iterable<T>) => IterableTreeArrayContent<T>; }


Extensions to Tree which are not yet stable.

This API is provided as a beta preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/beta.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


/** @sealed */
TreeBeta: {
on<K extends keyof TreeChangeEventsBeta<TNode>, TNode extends TreeNode>(node: TNode, eventName: K, listener: NoInfer<TreeChangeEventsBeta<TNode>[K]>): () => void;
clone<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema>(node: TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>): TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>;

Type: { on<K extends keyof TreeChangeEventsBeta<TNode>, TNode extends TreeNode>(node: TNode, eventName: K, listener: NoInfer<TreeChangeEventsBeta<TNode>[K]>): () => void; clone<const TSchema extends ImplicitFieldSchema>(node: TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>): TreeFieldFromImplicitField<TSchema>; }


A JsonValidator implementation which uses TypeBox's JSON schema validator.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


typeboxValidator: JsonValidator

Type: JsonValidator


The type of a TreeNode. For more information about the type, use Tree.schema(theNode) instead.

This API is reserved for internal system use and should not be imported directly. It may change at any time without notice.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


typeSchemaSymbol: unique symbol

Type: unique symbol


This symbol mainly exists on nodes to allow TypeScript to provide more accurate type checking. and Tree.schema provide a superset of this information in more friendly ways.

This symbol should not manually be added to objects as doing so allows the object to be invalidly used where specific nodes are expected. Instead construct a real node of the desired type using its constructor.

This symbol should not be used directly for type narrowing. Instead use WithType.


A special type which can be provided to some APIs as the schema type parameter when schema cannot easily be provided at compile time and an unsafe (instead of disabled) editing API is desired.

This API is provided as an alpha preview and may change without notice.

To use, import via fluid-framework/alpha.

For more information about our API support guarantees, see here.


UnsafeUnknownSchema: unique symbol

Type: unique symbol


When used, this means the TypeScript typing should err on the side of completeness (allow all inputs that could be valid). This introduces the risk that out-of-schema data could be allowed at compile time, and only error at runtime.